Chapter 10: The Itch

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It was this itch on my back that I couldn't scratch.

Reaching around, I tried not to wake Ethan, but the itching was getting worse. I was squirming, my arms twitching to reach an itch that seemed to be spreading over me.

Ethan stirred then rolled slightly, pinning me on my back while he had his head buried in the crook of my neck with an arm and a leg tossed over me. Sighing, I tried to squirm some more and get the itch on my back but it was a futile effort.

"Charlotte," something whispered.

I stirred and scratched at my arms. "Charlotte come and see."

"What?" I murmured out while I scratched at my stomach.

"It's time to see Charlie, you need to see," it sang to me.

Charlie. It called me Charlie. Only people who really knew me called me that–really only Levi called me that.

"Eve?" I whispered out.

"Wake up and come," the whisper said. I scratched at my thigh, sleep fighting hard to pull me back. "Wake up!" it yelled out.

I sat straight up in bed, the itching getting worse and my skin starting to break out into a cold sweat. "Lydia?"

"Charlotte," it sang a little louder.

"Babe," Ethan said, the sound of his nose sniffing breaking up the quiet in the dark. He reached over and clicked on a bedside lamp while I looked around the room, but I knew I wouldn't find anyone. It wasn't a person, it was them. It was the ones that whispered to me. "Shit, baby!"

"What?" I asked while Ethan pulled an arm to him. Looking down, I muffled a scream with my mouth; I had scratched so much that I had scratched my skin raw.

Quickly I lifted up the shirt I was wearing to look at my stomach; angry claw marks were raked across it and matching ones were on my thighs. "Baby? Did you–"

"The itching," I muttered out. "All night, it was so bad. I–I."

Ethan got out of bed then went quickly to the bathroom. He grabbed a few towels and wet them in the sink before he made his way back to me, eying the scratches that I couldn't take my eyes off of. "Baby, did you hear the whispers again?"

"Did you?" I asked while he tugged my shirt off.

He nodded. "Before I woke, that and I smelled blood," he said while wiping away at the blood on my stomach. "Ok, lay back. Let me lick these."

"They called me Charlie, Ethan." His surprised gaze met mine while he crawled back on the bed, leaning over my stomach slightly.

"You're sure?"

"Positive," I replied back before cool tingles spread over my belly where he licked at it.

"Do you still itch now?" he asked while he looked down at my thighs.

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