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Why the hell did I let them take her here? I mean, I guess she was safe...

No, she was safe. I doubt anyone would want to put up with this small town green grass shit longer than the time it took to fill your car up at the gas station on the way into town.

Which was the way it should be. She could grow up in this shitty town–honestly Leo should have just let me keep her but apparently, I am a 'liability.'

Liability my ass.

She was the last descendant of the first line of wolves and right now she was running around some playground with these awful snotty nosed children; the only 'protection' she had there was the teacher who looked like she was busy reading one of those pornographic historical fiction paperbacks. Yes, she was totally safe here...

Ok, who am I kidding? I was not safe. I was the furthest thing from safe. Besides Alex watching me like a hawk–to the point I was sure he even watched me take a shit, there were plenty of enemies I have made over the years that she didn't need to come into contact with. This was for the best. This is what Hadrian would have wanted.

I knew this was wrong. I knew I was supposed to stay away from her; if anyone followed me or found out then it could be dangerous. More like a pain in my ass, I tired of getting rid of bodies; after so many years it loses its luster quickly.

I knew this was wrong but I couldn't help but smile as she screamed out in laughter as she slid down the big red slide next to the jungle gym that some little brats were playing about. She looked so much like Willa, but she was Hadrian's daughter. It's a good thing that only I ever really saw him–one look at her and you knew.

She wiped her little sky blue leggings under her navy dress of those horrid wood chips that they use for the floor of these contraptions, then started to run after some blonde girl–her hair was in these little pigtails on top of her head that bounced around in curls. She had to be like five or six now, still such a vulnerable babe in our world.

It knew it was wrong, but temptation got the best of me. I mean, I never claimed to be perfect and I had to check on her every few years to make sure she was alright.

So here I was at six twenty-three Oakridge Way which was across the street from the Plainview Elementary Playground where Charlotte was current screaming while she ran from a group of boys with another girl. It was a convenient home, the tenant, God, what's that idiots name? Actually, I don't know his name but he's their next door neighbor. I also know that the pudgy lump put up less of a fight than I expected–I was pretty disappointed. I do love a good little tiff.

Right now, 'Pudgy' was in the closet keeping his damn mouth and eyes shut while I used his home. I also found these girl scout cookies in the pantry–silly Pudgey, you should know better than to leave the Thin Mints so exposed.

Although Wynona was going to be pissed that I ate some and didn't get her any. She loved her Girl Scout cookies–it was almost as much as I loved taking blood from the inside of her thigh. Note to self...

I sighed and ate another Thin Mint while I continued to overwater their perfectly manicured yard–I mean, I needed a decent looking reason to be outside across the street from a playground while staring at young children without looking like a total pedophile. So I was watering the yard... and eating Girl Scout cookies. Maybes the cookies weren't helping.

It was the middle of the day though, no one was home. It was fine–totally fine.

I moved a few feet and started to water some hydrangeas that I already watered. Mrs. Pudgy, who also threw a little fit apparently loves them because they are suffocating her entire yard. She's also in a close with her pudgy little lips shut and eyes–napping. She was totally napping.

The Blood-Book IIIWhere stories live. Discover now