Chapter 28

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Ceaser had stopped at the supermarket on the way to his place. He had followed her and taken Ivy from her while she shopped. Ceaser noticed they were mostly baby stuff. Diapers, baby food and the likes. Ceaser had insisted on paying for it but Jules beat him to it.

A while later, Ceaser pulled up into his driveway and switched the engine off.
"Wait." He told her and got out of the car and went to get her door. "Don't take anything just follow me." He said when she wanted to pick one of the bags.

He unlocked his door and let her in.
"Make yourself at home." He said and went back to get all the things she had bought. Locking the door afterwards.

Jules stood in the living room staring at the painting on the right wall. She hadn't really taken the time to check out his place the first time she had been there and now she could and his house was amazing. Even better than the first time she was there. She looked at Ceaser when he came in with the bags.

"Thank you." She said.

"Don't." He made his way through the living room to the kitchen and deposited the bags on the island.

"Here." Ceaser said, "Let me show you to your room so you can put her down."

"Yes please, thank you." She said and Ceaser shot her a look which made her tuck her lips into her mouth. She gave him a smile afterwards which made him smile at how adorable she looked.

"Want me to take her?" He asked.

"Nope." She said, "Lead the way."

Ceaser led her up the stairs and down the hallway before they came to a room before his. He twisted the knob and pushed the door open.
"Here you go." Ceaser stepped aside for Jules to enter after he turned the lights on. "It's not much."

"It's perfect," Jules said admiring the brightly lit room. "Kind of similar to the one at your parents'"

Ceaser smiled.
"Guilty." He said as he watched her walk towards the bed and got onto it with her knees and placed Ivy front side down in the middle of the huge bed.

Jules took two pillows and placed one on either side of her.

He stood at the foot of the bed and watched as she got off the bed. She turned the table lamp on and went to switch off the main one. They left the room and went downstairs. Jules went to unpack the bags but left the one with the toiletries.

"You hungry?" Ceaser asked as he watched her from behind the island from the stool he sat on.

Jules looked at him for a moment and scrunched her forehead
"Yes?" She answered. "Is that weird cause I just had a burger."

He laughed
"Not it's not." He said, "And that was hours ago." Ceaser got up and walked around the island and joined her in the kitchen. "I can whip something up."

"You can cook?" She asked, surprised.

"I'm hurt." Ceaser said with a sad face "You think so little of me."

Jules smiled.
"No. I just thought you were the fast-food or personal chef kind of guy."

"See?" He said "So little."

Jules laughed and Ceaser couldn't help the smile as he watched her laugh. Jules' laugh died down when she noticed he was staring. Ceaser walked up to her and all humour disappeared from her face as the tension between them rose from zero to a hundred in seconds.
Ceaser reached behind her head and pulled out the pins that kept her hair in that office bun of hers. He had wanted to do it since they went to the diner, so he had found the pins and was ready to pull them off at the hospital but held himself back. But now, he couldn't take it anymore, he needed her hair wild and free, out of its confinement.

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