Edited Version Up!

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Hey Guys,

As promised, here is the edited version of Her Adopted Baby's Daddy. As you may have noticed, it is longer than the previous version and it doesn't have separate POVs. I much rather like this not only because it is cleaner than the previous one but because it has new adventures.

I edited it myself, so there might still be a few mistakes but it's currently undergoing another round of editing.

For those of you who read the last version,
I want to thank you all for your support and I hope you read this version because if you loved the last one, you'd love this even more.

For first time readers,
thank you for your time and support too. This book has come a long way and it's all thanks to you all for continuously reading, voting and commenting.

As I mentioned when I completed this book in 2017, the ending was rushed due to the fact that I had an exam around the time I wrote it and as much as I wanted to prolong it, I also wanted to complete it. But I finally did it, I prolonged it and the ending isn't rushed anymore.

Before I begin a book, I have a plot in my head and a storyline but everything else in between; moments, scenes, conversations, I have no idea what's going to happen until I begin to type. I've figured that's how writing works best for me. Every writer has a way of writing and mine is taking me where ever it goes, others have everything planned to a 't'.

I'm saying all this because most of you ask me for my input on your books and I want to tell all of you that aren't sure if what they're writing is good that do what works best for you. There is no particular way of writing and all it takes to get to where you wanna go is writing and more writing. HABD is my third book on Wattpad but in general, it's my sixth book. My first three books were inspired by Disney original movies like High School Musical, Radio Rebel and others like them. I didn't know about Wattpad until I started my fourth book – The Beginning of The End. So, for all of those who want to write but are scared that it might not work out, give it a go, you never know what could happen in a few years. Just keep writing and writing, you'll get to wherever you want to be someday.

Alrighty then, if this is your first time reading this then you should go check out – Fixed At Her Teen (HABD's sequel) afterwards. Seeing as I've edited this, there might be a few things different in FAHT, so please try to ignore them and I'll edit it when I have the time.

As for my completed/ongoing/upcoming books:

Fixed At Her Teen Book 2 - Completed

Just The Right Black - Completed

Burning Touch (Book 1 in the Fight For Love series) - Completed

Lingering Kiss (Book 2 in the Fight For Love series) - Completed

Unforgettable Feelings (Book 3 in the Fight For Love series) - Completed 

Love & Serenity - Completed

Broken - Ongoing (Finished writing)

"New Book" - Started writing

Please, if you do read Fixed At Her Teen or The Pregnant soon-to-be Wife, go into it knowing that those were one of my first works on Wattpad which I haven't gotten around to editing them like  I have done with HABD and JTRB. FAHT is currently undergoing editing and I'll get to TPSTBW later on.

Once again, thank you all so much for your love and support. I never imagined getting as far as this and I have a lot more books in store for you. Go ahead and rant if you want, I want to know how you feel when you read my books so please comment on every line. 😁

Looking forward to your comments on this new version of HABD. 😊 Enjoy.

1st Sept, 2016 - 31st Dec, 2016 (Start - Finish)

Please take a moment to follow me on my socials. I upload booktoks, book trailers, and more on  Instagram as well as vlogs on my YouTube channel. Would love to connect with all of you on there as well. Thank you for your love and support. (Direct links --->)

Lots of Love,
Jane Lanett. ❤️

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