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***Caroline's POV***

I stared at my father in shock. My heart was knocking against my chest, struggling to pull free through the ribs keeping it safe.

A lot of possibilities had crossed my mind when Laci informed me that dad had called me to his office. He was going to be mad at me for staying with Nadia without asking or even informing him. He was going to scold me for going against him. Heck, I had even thought that he was going to tell me about Lahaina's planned wedding with Aaron and ask me to stay away or worse, be a part of it.

Aaron asking to marry me was never going to be an assumption. Even if I was given 1000 guesses, it would still not make it to the list. It was ridiculous, outrageous and just not possible.

But then, why else would my father be trying so hard to control his temper if it was not for Aaron? He was the least calm person I've ever met. He got annoyed with the smallest of things just as quick as he was to shower the source with either physical or mental torture. He had never tried to hold his hand or his tongue back, then why was he now?

His phone rang the next moment, snapping me out of my thoughts. Looking at the caller's ID with a deep sign, he answered the phone.

"Yes... yes, I got her... She is sitting right in front of me.... Oh no, it's alright... yes, you may tell him... yes, she is.... okay." He threw the phone angrily on the desk and sat back in his chair. His eyes closed as his fingers went to his face to massage the temples. I have never seen him more stressed.

After almost a minute, when I was debating myself if I should silently walk out of his office or stay, he opened his eyes and looked at me. He started to say something but was interrupted by another phone call. Whoever's name appeared on the caller's ID, even though not present physically, made him sit straight in his chair.

He cleared his throat and answered much more politely. "I did... yes... but... okay, here," he slid his phone towards me. Without giving me a glance—or a glare—he walked out of his office.

I stared at him as he left and was startled when the door was banged shut. Nervously, I picked up the phone and put it to my ear. There was only one man that I knew of who could make my father talk with such respect.

"Aaron?" I said, hoping I was not wrong.

"Did he leave?" Aaron asked. I turned to look at the closed door and confirmed.

"Where the hell have you been, Caroline?" His voice was demanding and yet soft on my ears.

"I was with Nadia," I told him, then realizing he did not know who Nadia was, I added, "she is my friend."

"For two days, without a phone?"

"I didn't realize I was forgetting my phone when I left," I told him honestly.

"You were there, weren't you? When I was talking to your father," he said with a deep regretful sign. "And that assh- I mean, James must have already told you about my proposal."

I bit my lower lip, my heart racing fast. Just a while ago, I had planned I was never going to see him again. For two days, I have cursed myself for developing feelings for him. I had cried for him after that charity event for the whole night. How was I going to talk to him about his said proposal?

"He did," I told him. My voice had gone terribly low.

"I want to meet you, Caroline, and talk about it. I'll send my car to your place at," he paused, maybe looking at his watch, "at 8. Will you come to meet me?" He asked.

I could hear the distress in his voice with the question, and I replied with a yes.

"I'm sorry for what happened at the charity event. I can assure you it was not what it seemed like. I have a perfect explanation for it, Caroline," he sighed.

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