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"Ready," I declared, walking out of my room. I was wearing a cream-coloured dress that reached a little below my knees.

Aaron was already waiting for me. Dressed in a white t-shirt, denim jeans and a casual sky blue coat, he looked as handsome as ever. He watched me intently as I went and stood in front of him.

"What?" I asked when he didn't say anything and just kept staring at me with a frown on his perfect face.

"You know, it should be a crime for someone to look that beautiful," he pulled me towards him with my hand and wrapped his arms around me.

"That is so cheesy, Aaron. Never expected something like that from you," I made a fake hurt look. He simply shrugged. I could not hold back my laugh any longer.

He was about to say something but I took his hand and pulled him along. At least I tried to. Even with all my strength, I was unable to make him move even an inch.

I looked at his face after my little struggle to find him grinning at me, amused by the act. I dropped his hand with a jerk and started to move away. He followed, still chuckling about it.

"You're adorable, Caroline," he said, falling in step beside me.

Our suite was on the top floor. Since it was the only suite on the entire floor, I deduced it must be the presidential suite.

The hotel lobby was beautiful, eye-catching and luxurious in every sense. As we walked towards the exit, a butler came forward to hand Aaron a bunch of keys and speak to him about something in Italian.

Aaron took the keys and my hand as we moved out of the hotel. A shiny white sports car, reflecting the warm rays of the sun, was waiting for us at the entrance. I shook my head at the ridiculousness of what I was witnessing. Aaron definitely knew how to travel in style.

"You never settle for anything but the best, huh?" I nudged his arm as he opened the door of the car for me to get in.

"Never," he pulled me to him by my waist and kissed my earlobe, making me turn red.

We both sat inside and he drove through the beautiful streets of Milan, while I looked around in awe of the gorgeous structures and buildings, the cool breeze fanning my face as he pulled the sunroof away.

I didn't know where he was taking me, and I didn't even bother to ask him about it. Wherever we go it doesn't matter, as long as he was with me. This was my first trip, so far away from my home and I was glad it was with Aaron. Around him, I felt more at home.

I looked to my right, at the man who had changed my life. Whether he knew it or not, he had changed my life and made it worth living. There was a time when I feared I was going to be stuck with my father all my life. I had thought that I was going to go through the same things that my mother went through. I used to think happiness was not for me. I remember Nadia's words where she had told me—assured me—that it was going to be better with him. I was going to have my share of happiness. She had always said that my share of happiness was stacked away somewhere and that someday I was going to find it and never look back at the pain in the past. I smiled looking over to my side. Indeed. I did find it. It also had a name: Aaron Woodwords.

"Caroline," Aaron called my name in a sing-song way, making me come out of my thoughts.

I hummed in response then realized that he had stopped driving. He got out of the car and I followed him out.

He had stopped outside an elegant boutique and he took my hand to take me inside.

Two women and a man came forward as soon as we went in. They welcomed us with cheerful smiles and pleasant greetings. Since I didn't know Italian, I had no idea what they were talking about, but they were smiling when they spoke so I did the same.

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