"You'll regret it" (12) *edited*

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Dark. That's all I see. What happened? One minute I was following Alex in my car and then the next, I was barely functioning.

I'm standing in the dark. There's nothing around me, yet, I can barely hear my own thoughts. Instead, I hear Alex's voice. He's saying something but I can't hear him clearly. Something about moving. . but I can't. It's like I'm stuck, glued, to the car itself.

Straining, I try my hardest to move and I feel my finger adjust slightly. But I can't move it anymore than that.

My body is slowly shutting down, I can't move the slightest bit anymore, my breathing is slowing down. Next thing I know I'm being lifted into an ambulance with men shouting my name. . .until I black out completely.



My leg shakes up and down anxiously in the waiting room of the hospital. I hate being here.

The sickly sweet smell of lemon in the air, polished perfect floors, the sound of the soles on nurses' shoes against the tiles.

I hate it.

I've been sitting here for about half an hour. They know why I'm here yet they won't give me any information on Brett.

My wrist hurts. It's throbbing badly but I can't ask for bandages because they'll ask too many questions.

I roll my head back and groan. This is taking way too long for my liking. As if a miracle sent from God himself, the doctor walks into the room.

"Brett Anderson?" I immediately shoot up out of the seat. "Hello, uh, and what relation are you to the patient?"

"I'm his boyfriend."

The doctor gives me a weird look but continues anyway, "Yes, Brett is stable now but he's somewhere between unconsciousness and consciousness so he may be a little tired for the next few days due to the medication we've given him to control his blood pressure. He's lost over 40% of his blood and he will need to rest for the next week or so. He's broken three of his ribs but that's all for the major injuries. You can go in to see him now, right this way."

I follow the doctor through winding, long, hallways until we reach one of the rooms.

He pushes the door open and what I see makes me want to cry. Brett has at least three IV's in his arms. His face is pale, his lips were blue, and his face stitched up like a rag doll.

"Oh, Brett," I walk over to his bed and pull up a chair to sit down next to him. Grabbing his cold hand I intertwine our fingers, "this is all my fault." I hear the slight click of the door telling me that the doctor had left us alone.

"No it's not," his scratchy voice speaks out. I didn't think he'd answer me back, "I should have watched where I was driving."

"Oh, baby, I'm so sorry. I should have never tried to run away. But there was a reason I needed to. . .my mom knew about the beatings, and she may have told my Aunt Delilah. They were supposed to come up here but now I know why. . .she was going to tell my dad what she knew. And I couldn't let her do that or-or," I can't keep talking, my throat closes up and I'm on the verge of tears already.

"What baby?" Brett asks softly.

"Or he'd kill me."


Brett sleeps peacefully in the hospital bed as I toss and turn uncomfortably in the small chair. Man, these chairs hurt.

"Babe, why don't you come lay in the bed with me?" Brett suggests sleepily. "I can here you moving around every five seconds." I can hear the smirk in his voice.

"No I'm fine, I don't want to crowd you."

I hear some shuffling around and some groans of pain until it goes silent again, "Come here baby."

I slowly stand out of the chair, stretching my muscles out and sit on the edge of the bed by Brett. Then I feel his arm snake around my waist and he pulls me closer to him but I stay sitting up still.

"You know I love you right?" He mentions out of the blue.

"Yeah, I've gotten a few hints," I say smartly, at my smart words Brett squeezes my sides playfully, "Brett. . .stop. . . tickling me!"

He pauses his hands at my sides and I stare into his beautiful eyes. I can't believe this man is all mine. I lean down and capture my lips in his, he immediately kisses me back and I feel his tongue run across my bottom lip.

Letting him enter, he explores my mouth like his life depends on it. We go on like this for a few minutes before I pull away for air.

"I love you." He breathes, it's hard for him to breathe because his ribs aren't fully healed yet.

"I hurt you, I caused  this, I cause everything."

"Hey, I don't want to hear you saying crap like that. You did not cause anything, you hear me?" He scolds at me like I'm a five year old who's just gotten in trouble.

I look down at my lap and start twiddling my fingers out of wit, "Yes." I don't understand why he won't believe me.

I've caused my mothers death, Brett's accident, I just wonder what the future holds for me.

"Good, now come here I want to cuddle with my boyfriend." I slide, carefully, towards him and lay down, swinging my legs up on the bed.

Brett throws his arm over my waist and pulls me closer to his chest. My hand comes up to rest on his chest and my other arm curls under the pillow and my head.

"Now let's get some sleep."


Well there's another chapter. I'm sorry it took so long to post. I've been editing it a lot. I hope you liked it and don't forget to




And stay tuned for chapter 13 😊

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