Chapter 10

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That day I went to meet Ralph in his house. I really needed a friendly advice at that moment. Visiting Daniel and Nick would be a waste of time. Ralph was a sensible guy and would understand my situation. Afterall he was the only one who noticed my attraction towards Erica.

As soon as I stepped out of the elevator in front of Ralph's apartment he opened the door. Probably because I had already informed him of my visit. I went in and made myself comfortable. After a while we both were drinking beer when he spoke.

"So? "

I just rose my eyebrows in confusion.

"What did you want to talk about? You came here for a reason, right?"

I kept my can of chilled beer on the table and began debating internally whether I should speak to him about that or not. I finally took a deep breath and spoke.

"I like Erica." I gulped down my beer.

He just stared at me in surprise. I couldn't blame him. I was surprised myself a few days ago. I had never expected to be drawn towards Erica. She has become very special to me. Her beauty and her innocence, I just couldn't resist liking her.

"I really like her and I want to pursue her but she is being difficult. I don't even know if she likes me or not. I want your help."

"Ask her for a date, take her out and tell her about how you feel."

"I already asked her but she refused and I just can't tell her straight away. Like I said, I don't even know how she feels about me."

"Well in that case I won't be of any help to you buddy. You should ask Nick, he has a lot of dating experience."

"Yeah I think you are right." I called Nick and asked him to join us but I didn't tell him the reason. After a while all three of us were silent. Then suddenly Nick spoke.

"Why do I have a feeling that you both know something that apparently I don't know? "

"Ethan likes..." Ralph spoke but before he could continue I cut him off, "I like a girl, but I don't know if she has any feelings for me."

Telling Nick wouldn't be appropriate however I have a feeling that he will find out in some way or the other.

He nearly spit his beer when I finished.

"That's good, I thought you were gay or something. I don't remember you being in a relationship since college. And what do you mean by she doesn't have feelings for you?" I rolled my eyes at his lame attempt at joke.

"I am not sure whether she feels any bit of attraction for me. But I really want her to feel something. I want your help to...... You know.... Pursue her. "

"Okay, have you asked her for a date?"

"She refused. Its not her mistake, I ignored her the past few weeks so it is understandable." I said dejectedly.

"Then go apologize. Talk to her sweetly and make her feel special. From what I have learnt in my experience"he said proud of himself, "women love when someone makes them feel special."

"How do I do that? I mean I would apologize but how can I make her feel something?"

"There are tonnes of ways buddy. Send her flowers, sweet texts, chocolates if she likes or any other gifts or whatever she likes."

I just nodded thinking of doing something special for her. Then I realized that I knew nothing about her. I really needed to work hard.


The next day the very first thing that I did when when I went to the office was going to Erica's office.

She was in deep thought thinking about something. I wished it was me that she was think about, however I knew it was probably something work related. She was a very hard working emloyee.

She must have sensed my presence because she immediately looked up. Her beautiful eyes shone like stars. Her pink lips begged for me to kiss them. A few strands of her hair loosely fell out of her bun framing her beautiful face.

"Can I help you Mr.Monroe?" her voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, actually I came here to apologize for my behavior for the past month. That's been bugging me ever since and secondly I brought you flowers." I saw her face lit up at the sight of flowers. "I am really sorry, Erica for my behavior. I didn't want to ignore you but its just that I have been stressful for the past few days"that wasn't a lie, "and I... I.... I assure you that it won't happen again."

She accepted the flowers and said,  "Okay, I forgive you Mr. Monroe."

Here we are again with the 'Mr. Monroe' thing. "I told you Erica, call me Ethan."

"Yes Ethan, I forgive you."


After Ethan left I glanced at the flowers he gave me. They were the most beautiful white lilies. I never expected him to be the guy to apologize and bring me flowers. Then again you can't judge him if you don't know him. I was happy that he apologized. I later felt that I shouldn't have forgiven him easily but when he made that cute face I couldn't help but give in.

I realized that I wanted him to apologize, I don't know why but it felt good that someone did care about your feelings. Ethan made me feel like cared. Nobody in my entire life cared about how I felt, what everyone did was only for their benefit. It was as if I didn't exist at all. That feeling of rejection and being always treated as unwanted slowly started to fade away as Ethan came. He cared about what I felt. I don't know why, but that felt good.




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