Chapter 48

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It was still early in the morning when I was still asleep that Ethan told me that he had to leave the town for an important meeting. I had sleepily hummed in response not understanding completely what he said. But when I woke up to an empty apartment I realized that he was gone. Having nothing to do for myself I decided to go shopping.

I was in the mall shopping a few items for skincare when I spotted a baby section in the corner. In no time I was in the shop. The shop was filled with all the cutest teddy bears and baby toys and cartoon towels and endless list of products. My gaze landed upon a knitting yarn on the rack. I already knew how to knit from my college days. I took yarns of the softest wool of both colors blue and pink and placed it in my trolley. Next I shopped some bedtime story books. It was so fun shopping that I didn't realize how much time I had spent observing the whole thing.

I reluctantly left the shop and was about to head into the food section when I bumped into someone.

".. I am sor.. " My words died down when I saw who it was. Of all the people I could have crashed into today it had to be Christine. Here we go..

Christine sent me a glare and was about to turn around when her gaze fell upon my trolley. A trolley that was full of baby gifts and baby items.

".. What.. This... Are you pregnant?" She said disbelieving.

"Yes." I said. She just stared at the items in shock. I would be shocked too if I was in her place.

".. You b*tch. So is that is what you blackmailed Ethan with to leave me and come to you? You are such a b*tch." Christine began yelling at me. Passer-bys looked our way at her sudden outburst.

"Christine.. I didn't do anything like that. He didn't even know until a few days back..." I tried to explain her but she wasn't ready to understand.

"Don't lie to me. You are just like your mother...I wouldn't be surprised if you are actually carrying someone else's dirty seed inside you and pretending that it is Ethan's child. Tell me whose is this bastard.. "

That's it. I couldn't listen further to her talking about my babies. My palm made a harsh contact with her cheek in a hard slap.
People stopped doing what they were doing and stared at the show we were putting on but I didn't care.

"I don't care what you think of me Christine, but no one dares to speak things about my babies. Say whatever you want to say to me but don't you dare speak a word about my babies. I have listened to you saying worst about me. But now let me make things very clear with you. Ethan was never yours. We were bound to be together, believe it or not. Get over my boyfriend and the father of my babies and move on. " Saying this I took my things and walked out of the crowd.

I went directly home and placed all the new things into the closet. There was enough room in there. I was still angry about the morning incident in the mall. I came home and took a cold shower to calm myself. Ethan not being here didn't help the situation. There was one more reason I wnated him here. I could simply call him and say that to him but I wanted to see his reaction when I say that to him. But I guess I'll have to wait for some more hours for him to return.


It was already evening meaning that Ethan would come anytime now. I had never been so excited in my life. I had decided to surprise him with a special dinner made by me and made his favorite food. He loved my cooking and what could be so special than a romantic dinner.

The door bell rang and I practically ran to the door. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I had already dimmed the lights of the entire apartment. As expected he leaned and gave me a peck on my lips.

"Woah! Why is it so dark?" He said coming in.

"Well its a surprise." I replied. When he went further in he saw the table neatly arranged with roses and scented candles. The perfume was in the air making it more romantic.

"Do you like it?" I asked. But I was confident that he liked it judging by the huge grin on his face.

"I love it. Let me see what you made." He said and opened the covers of the bowl. The aroma spread in the air and I saw Ethan inhaling a huge air.

"Mhmm. It smells so delicious. I am already so hungry." Ethan said. I served him on his plate and served some for myself too. Ethan couldn't stop moaning at the taste of the food. I had to cover my mouth from laughing out loud.

"How was your meeting?" I asked diverting the topic.

"It was fine. Hopefully we'll get the tender." He said. I nodded. Dinner finished and Ethan and me were cuddling on the couch. I had my phone in my hand and was scrolling through the daily news when I saw my photo in it. Confusingly I clicked open the news item and read the entire article. By the end if the article I felt like laughing hysterically.

"You know, I saw that earlier but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to ruin the evening. But you shouldn't have done that to Christine." I got up from the couch and stared at Ethan in disbelief.

"You know nothing about what happened earlier."

"Maybe I don't, but its not right to raise your hand on her in a public place." I was so pissed at his statement especially when he knew nothing about what happened.

"She called your babies bastards. She said that I was lying about you being the father. She called them names and I lost it. I didn't think further, so I used the only way to shut her up."

"How dare she say that?" I could see Ethan was angry now. Christine saying things to our kids affected him as much as it did to me.

"Yes.. She... Tell me honestly Ethan, did you even for a second think that they aren't yours? I know that I myself said it to you that I was with others but it was just a way to make your jealous. Tell me did you ever get that thought... I won't be mad.. Just.. " I cried. I didn't know from where that thought came from in my mind.

"Never, I'd never think about that. I know they are mine. Don't you ever think something like this. I love you baby, I trust you."

"You know what.. You did the right thing today. She deserved it. No one speaks a thing about my family... If you hadn't done it then I myself would make her life a living hell." Ethan said. His jaw was set in a hard line. I didn't want to anger him further.

"I just want to forget that something like that ever happened." I said.

"Sure...tell me one thing. Why did you go there in the first place?" Ethan asked.

"I was bored here so I decided to go for shopping and then I saw this baby store.. And oh.. yes.. I got cute little things for them." I saw a smile spreading on Ethan's face.

"Really? You could've told me. We would've gone together." And just like that our earlier bitter mood was gone. They weren't even born yet but they had already lit up our world. I was very excited for the rest of the months to pass by and our bundles of joy to come into this world.


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