Chapter 8

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I took her properly in my arms. I carried her  bridal style. I turned around to say Shawn to pay the bill. He just looked at me and nodded his head.

  I just nodded, and  I looked at her. She was looking pale and weak. I sighed and left the restaurant. I went near the car and the driver opened the door I lay her head on my lap.

  I told my driver to drive to a nearby hospital. We reached. I ran inside and saw a doctor.

  "Doctor " I said.

He nodded and said "bring her in this room". I carried her and lay her on the bed.

"You go out I will check her ". I don't want to but I have to so I went out.
After about 10 minutes Shawn and Chloe came.

" How is she now," Shawn asked.

"The Doctor is checking her."He and Chloe nodded. They both sat on an empty chair. We three was waiting for a doctor to come out.

  After about 15 minutes he came out and said "she is now fine but we need to do some test".

Chloe asked "doctor is something wrong,".

  "No, but we need to confirm and the test will be done today itself. ,"he was about to go but he turned around and said" you can go inside but still she is unconscious. I have given her an injection she will be conscious in few minutes ," with that he patted my shoulder and went.

  All three of us went inside. Then there was a knock on the door. I turn around and saw a nurse entered. She came to check her.

   She was checking her pulse. And then she left.

Anna pov:

  I woke up in pain, my head was paining a lot. Every thing was blur around me. It took me a few seconds to clear my vision.

   Then I saw that I was in a white room. Now I get it I was in hospital room.

   I looked around and found Mr. Vincent in the room but his back was facing me.

  My head was hurting a lot. "Ouch" came out of my mouth. Mr. Vincent turned around. I looked at him and I saw concern in his eyes.

"Are you okay". He asked. I nodded my head.

  I was feeling thirsty.  My throat was hurting and I need water to drink. I looked right and saw a glass of water on the table.

  I bend a little. My hand reached the glass and I took it but the glass was taken from my hand. I looked up and saw Mr. Vincent with the glass of water.

  I struggled to sit, but it miserably failed. I saw Mr. Vincent came up to me saying nothing. He kept the glass on the table.

   He made me sit on the bed. I just want to move him but it is no use I am weak, and he is more strong than me.

  He then took a glass of water. Brought near my lips and said  "drink". I took a sip and started I started to chock.

   And the glass fell down. Mr. Vincent started rubbing my back. It wasn't helping, so he took me in his arms and rubbed my back.

  Then suddenly the door open. It was Shawn and Chloe they both were smirking at us.

Mr. Vincent moved aside. "I think we disturbed them Chloe,".

  " Yes, but how are you feeling now Anna". She pushed the door and came near me.

" Better but my head is still hurting. ," I pouted at her.

" You will be better soon the doctor is about to come and he needs to do some test,".

  "Test but why I am fine, I don't need any test,". I said

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