2. The love I want.

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Dark and cold. I'm in the woods, hiding behind a tree. There are no other sound surrounding me, except for my shallow breathing and my erratic heartbeat. My hands and knees are shaking, tears are streaming down my cheeks. I am scared, and I'm not the "damsel in distress" type of girl. But I'm scared, because I can't take down three athletes on my own, and their intentions are pretty clear. I'm going to be in so much trouble, if they find me... Why did I agree to go to this stupid party again? Oh, right, because I just passed my final exam and got another A, I decided to celebrate. Well, it didn't go as planned, because now I'm in the middle of the woods, wearing only a thin short summer dress, that used to be bright blue, and now is covered in dirt and leaves. And a bit of my blood that is dripping from my forehead after an encounter with a tree. That bastard Connor grabbed me by the hair and smashed my head in a tree. It's truly a miracle, that I got that far from him and his two buddies, but I guess they are pretty wasted to run as fast as a sober me. Ain't I lucky. Now I have to stay quiet and not be found. 

Cold, it's very cold, and I'm freezing. It's the middle of April, so the nights are still chilly, and my jacket is left in the house. My tights are torn, I lost one shoe and I'm freezing. I try listening to my surroundings, and suddenly I hear voices.

"Where did this bitch go?", an annoying high pitched male voice, Dug.

"Chill, man, she couldn't get far.", a lower voice, Ronny.

"As soon as we find her, I'm first.", a calm voice, Conner.

Shit, this doesn't sound good. I need to be quiet. They can't find me. 

"Where do you think she could go?", Dug.

"I don't know, but there aren't a lot of places she could be hiding at." Ronny.

"Let's split up?" Conner.

No, no, no... Don't split up! Go away! Stick together!

"Ok, sounds good." Ronny.

"Whoever finds her first gets the first blowjob!" Dug sounds excited.

"Do you think she knows how to suck a lolly?", asked an amused Ronny.

"No way, man, this one is pure like the morning snow." Conner with an evil laugh, that instantly turned my blood into ice.

My fucking god! I need to run. The flow of tears seems to increase, it blurs my sight. i need to run.

Big mistake. As soon as I move, a twig snaps under my foot.

"Hey, did you hear that?", Dug.

"Oh, yes...", Conner.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!", sung Ronny.

"If you come out on your own, we'll be gentle and you may even enjoy yourself!", Conner.

Shitface, How stupid do you think I am?! I need to run. I take a deep breath and sprint as far away from them as I can. My lungs are burning, my bare foot hurts like hell, but I push myself further into the woods. I can hear running behind me, and it's getting closer wit each second. Then suddenly a hand grabs my hair and pulls me back. I hit the ground and all ear leaves my lungs.


I wake up with a start. I'm covered in cold sweat and I'm crying. It takes me a couple of minutes to understand, that it was just a dream. I look around and the memories of the last two days start slowly creeping back to me. It takes me a few long moments to calm down. I'm safe. I'm far away from home. Conner, Ronny and Dug are not here and they will never find me. Not that they would be looking for me, they got what they wanted and moved on with their lives. It's me that is left to pick up the pieces of my broken dignity and build my life from scratch. I bury my face in my hands, suddenly all the weight of the world is on my shoulders. How in the world am I going to pull this off? I'm alone. Low on money. Pregnant. With no family or friends. All I have is an old car, a laptop and a duffel with some clothes that soon will not fit me. What am I going to do? How am I going to take care of a baby?! A small sob escapes my mouth and soon I'm in a full crying mode. This warm bed and nice town are just a little spark of hope that is vanishing with each tear that escapes through my fingers and falls on my lap. 

From scratch ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ