33. The beginning of an end

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From that moment on I felt like I was floating. My body was moving, but I was like a spirit, observing from the side. It was like a movie - people around me rushing to grab some necessities, throwing those in some bags, than we moved out of the house and in the cars and started driving. The town has lost it's charm - people were not lounging around happily, no, they all were striding purposefully to some unknown destinations. I looked at Nick confused, so he explained this to me:

"Nathan has notified people of a possible danger through the mind link, so they are moving women, children and the older people to several safe houses scattered around the territory. Each pack has those just in case of an emergency. The men are moving towards the borders to ensure that there is no breach. There are also warriors surrounding the pack house, so it's the safest location on the territory. You don't have to worry, there is plenty of room for everyone there and you will be taken care of."

With that he gently took my hand and kissed my knuckles. I gave him a small smile, but this information didn't ease my tormented mind. It looked like a war was coming and it was my fault. People might get hurt, and it was my fault. And I could do nothing to stop it. I would have to live with it.

"Emily, look at me." that was doc Evans. His face was serious, but the situation kind of required some mature thinking, so I stuffed my fear deeper and looked him straight in the eyes.

"We've had this conversation already. It's not your fault, don't go blaming yourself. You are family, you are Nick's mate, and wolf's stick to their mates and families. So you don't have a say in this, and stop blaming yourself."

He spoke hitting a raw spot. His guess of my trail of thoughts was absolutely correct, but that didn't surprise me in the slightest. Doc was a clever old man.

"So what's going to happen now?" I asked.

"Well, we all are going to settle in the pack house, and I'm going to reach out to the council. Probably I will have to travel there today, but it's good in the long run, if there is a horde of rogues coming our way, the council will send some backup."


"The pack house has it's own safe room, so at any sign of danger you are going to go there, together with Shirley, got it?"

"What about Lena? And Hannah?"

"Hannah is going to another safe house, and Lena is a warrior, she is going to fight."

My hands shook at that information. Lena, my closest friend was going to fight. She might get hurt. Or even killed... And Nick? What about Nick?

"Are you going to fight as well?" I asked him with a tremble in my voice.

"Me, father and the twins are going to keep the pack house safe. You don't have to worry though, I'm sure it's all just a false alarm."

But I didn't believe him. It was all too suspicious - my parents, the mayor, rogues, the stalker... It all blended together pretty well, and I think everyone else also knew, that it was not a false alarm. They just pretended for my sake. The only thing unclear was why my
mother was helping this monster? What did he promise her? Or did she hate me so much? That was the question to which I wasn't so sure I wanted to know an answer.

We arrived at the pack house a couple minutes later. Sternly looking men were making rounds around it, the joyful aura it had about it the day of the BBQ was gone. We quickly entered the house and settled in the living room. Me on the couch with a cup of tea, Shirley right next to me, the men went to the windows. Nathan entered together with Andrew a couple of minutes later.

"Doc," he started straight to the point. "your escort is waiting at the back door, better hurry to reach the council before the rogues reach us."

"That is if they are heading our way."

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