{4} Never Let Summer-Storm and Reese Teach

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I scrunch up a sheet of paper and throw it at Cole. It hits him in the back of the head making him turn around.

Don't ask me why I threw paper at him even though he's sitting right in front of me. Because, truthfully, I have no idea.

He sees me gesturing to the paper which I had written on and picks it up, opening it. He rolls his when he sees my important and urgent note I wrote.

What's for dinner? -S

He quickly scribbles on it and passes it back to me.

I don't know. -C

I sigh and pass it to Nate, who was sitting to the right of Cole and in front of Kyla.

He writes on it and throws it back.

I have no clue. -N

I huff and pass it to Reese, who's face lights up mischievously and starts writing. It takes him a few minutes before he passes the paper back to me, scrunched up.

When I read his idea, I roll my grey eyes.

We can go to Sunshine Landia and get Foo-Foo Cuddly Poops to take us to the royal castle. From there, the servants will seat us in the royal dining room where there will be a giant feast of ice cream, candy, chocolate and anything else we can think of. Ooh, don't forget the Skittles Foo-Foo eats then poops out as rainbows! -R

I then write down my own sarcastic response and give it back to Reese.

Yes, because we definitely want to eat Skittles that Foo-Foo Cuddly Poops shits out. -S

He glares at me before writing on the paper again and giving it back to me.

Foo-Foo doesn't poop Skittles! He eats the Skittles and poops out rainbows! -R

I snort. Like that makes it any better.

"Summer-Storm! Reese!" Ms Hayfer's voice booms out. "Why are you passing notes while I'm teaching?!"

"Why are you teaching while we're passing notes?" Reese and I retort in unison.

"I don't think it was important-" she starts, but is cut off by Reese.

"It was important!"

"Then what is the important topic you two were discussing?" She glares at us.

"We were discussing what we're going to have for dinner tonight." I answer, making the whole class chuckles at our reason.

Ms Hayfer tugs as at blonde hair before smirking at the two of us. "Well, if you thinks it's appropriate to pass notes in the middle of class, why don't you teach us about today's topic?"

Reese and I look at the whiteboard which had the topic written on it.

Donald Trump.

Reese and I share a look and smirk. "Gladly."

We walk to the front of the class and I start talking.

"Well, Donald Trump is one of the people running for president."

Reese carries on for me. "He's racist and his biggest competition is Hilary Clinton," he looks at Ms Hayfer. "Who by the way, has bigger boobs than you, Ms Hayfer."

Ms Hayfer glares at my brother, her face turning red as I start talking again. "His hair is messed up-"

Reese cuts me off. "We think he super glued a toupee on his head."

I chuckle before carrying on. "And he's orange. I mean, seriously. He looks like he staying in a tanning bed too long then tried using some self tanner to cover it up."

"Overall," Reese continues.

"Donald Trump is an orange assho-"

"Enough!" Ms Hayfer cuts me off, the class laughing at us. "Sit down this instant!"

Reese and I nod before plopping down on the floor.

She looks at us like we're mental. Which we probably are. "I meant in your seats!"

"But you said 'this instant'," Reese says.

"So we sat down that instant." I smile innocently.

"Go sit in your seats!"


"You and Reese just love pissing Ms Hayfer off, don't you?" Nate laughs as we all lounge by my locker.

I throw him a look. "Hey, don't act like you don't."

He nods. "You're right. We do."

We stand around talking for a few minutes before the bell rings, signaling for us to head to our last classes for the day.

If you're wondering why we had lunch before our second to last class instead of our last, it's because that's how it always is on the first day back after the summer holidays. The school doesn't want the Freshman to feel scared or some shit like that so they give us an early lunch.

I don't know how that works, but we just go with it.

I walk into the art room and sit down in the back left corner, staring out the window.

I sit in peace until the chair beside me is occupied and an annoying voice speaks up.

"Hey, Hermosa."


Hey, guys.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

And to any Donald Trump supporters, please don't take any offense to this. It was just for the sake of the story. I'm from New Zealand, so Donald Trump doesn't really matter to me.

Thank you to almightyGloRiya for voting and commenting. Go check out her story 'Love Me'. It's really good.





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