{6} Overprotective Brothers

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"Hey, babe."

I shut my locker door and find Stanley Baker (the school's biggest tool) leaning on the locker next to me. The bell just rang, signaling the end of school and I was getting my things from my locker.

"Don't call me 'babe' unless you want me to rip your dick off and shove it up your ass." I threaten bluntly, watching his eyes widen before going back to normal.

"Ooh, kinky." He winks. "Me likey."

Ew, cringe.

"Ooh, flirty." I mock wink. "Me hatey."

"You and me, tonight, 7:00PM." He orders. I raise a brow at him.

"You and me, not going anywhere." I retort, turning him down. But apparently, he wasn't going to take no for an answer. He wrapped his hand around my right wrist tightly.

So I left hooked him in the jaw.

He immediately let go to cup his already bruising jaw.

"You, bitch!" He cursed, grabbing my left wrist even tighter then before.

So I right hooked in the jaw.

He let go to nurse his bruising jaw again.

"Stop hitting me!" He grabbed both of my wrists this time.

Before I could bring my knee up and hit him where the sun doesn't shine so hard he'd be able to feel them in his throat, he was ripped away and slammed into the lockers.

As soon as the loud sound of Stanley being slammed into the locker echoes out in the hallway, a crowd automatically forms around us.

I smirk as I see Cole deliver a punch to Stanley's nose, before he was tossed to Nate, who punched him in the mouth, who then pushed him to Reese who punched him in in the cheek, and letting him go, making him fall on the dirty school floor. He lies on the the ground for a few seconds before he is lifted back up and punched in the nose again, a crack ringing out before he was dropped to the floor again.

You want to know who punched Stanley this time?


Yup. Kayden freaking Paris just punched Stanley Baker for me.

Yeah, even though we're frenemies who are more like enemies, he also doesn't hesitate to break someone's nose if they're bothering me.

Well, a guy anyway. He would never lay his hands on a girl.

My brothers also made him promise that he wouldn't let anything happen to me. When we were four. In the middle of a playground.

He's kept his promise.

"You broke my nose!" Stanley clutches his bleeding nose as he pulls himself up using the lockers.

"Wow,Kayden just punched Stanley 'the tool' Baker for you." Kyla says from next to me.

"He made a promise to me brothers." I shrug, making Kyla look at me with her eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, when you were three."

I look at her. "And he's kept his promise."

She just shakes her head before stating something similar to earlier.

"Stayden is endgame."

That's reminds me,

"Hey, guess what Miss McKlay said during art!"



After the whole kicking Stanley's ass thing, the principal, Mr Farrington, came out, dragged us into his office, made us explain what happened and gave Cole, Nate, Reese, Stanley and I detention for tomorrow.

What surprised Mr Farrington though, was the fact that Cole was the one who threw the first punch, seeing as Cole is the nicest and calmest out of the Quads.

Usually it would have been Nate throwing the first punch, but when it comes to Summer-Storm, you can count on Cole to be there with a shotgun in his hands.

I mean, yeah, the Quads all love and care about eachother equally, but Summer and Cole are the closest out of the four. Probably has something to do with them being the middle children.

I remember this one time, when we were sixteen, the boys found out that Summer-Storm lost her virginity.

I had to pry a butter knife out of Cole's hands.

All while he, Nate and Reese where furiously yelling, and I quote, "that little dick, ass, bitch deflowered our sister! We're going to fucking castrate him and feed his tiny dick to the pigeons!"

The three ended up beating the guy to a pulp at school the next day.

And somehow, they didn't get suspended.

Anyway, back to present time.

"I had that, you know." Summer-Storm says as we sit in the man-cave downstairs, which actually used to be the basement until the Quads begged their parents to let then turn it into a man-cave. When that didn't work, Summer just gave them her irresistible puppy face and they were down.

And man, I'm glad they did. This place is awesome!

There's a hammock in the one corner of the room. A fridge and pantry in another. A food and drinks bar in the other. And a pool table in the last. The room also contains a whole lot of arcade games, including an air hockey table, a foosball table, a mini gym.

And the best part,

The amazing, 60 inch flat screen T.V and giant speakers. And the X-Box, PlayStation, Wii and all the games they own.

Cole sighed. "Yeah, we know."

"But guys have this instinct to protect their little sister." Reese explained, making Summer look at him.

"I'm older than you!" She exclaims.

Reese waves her off. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah. Same difference."

"Anyway," Nate cuts in. "Reese is telling the truth. Guys just have this instinct to punch a guy in the balls for their sister. Younger or older."

"And we made Kayden promise that he'd punch a guy if they were bothering you, so, yeah..." Cole trailed off.

Summer-Storm chuckled. "Yeah, I remember that." She turned to me. "That was a good punch. You broke his nose.

I smirked. "I know. That tool won't be hooking up with anyone fore a while." I say, making the Quads laugh.

"Let's play some 2K16!" Summer cheers, making the boys and I whoop.

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