Chapter 22 - A favour

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The days came and went and had filled almost have a notebook with notes. Since she didn't know the boys, a lot of information accumulated and she was more than excited and eager to see more of their development. However, soon the last day of the training camp approached and so the last chance to see how they had improved. Tamiko was up very early on that Sunday and was at the gym before the coaches had arrived. She waited in the staff room, enjoying a cup of coffee when Anabara and Washijo joined her, but one person was missing.

"Wasn't Saitou-sensei suppose to come today?" she asked.

Anabara swallowed and explained everything to her. Tamiko couldn't believe it.

"He's got food poisoning?"

"Yeah." he bashfully rubbed them back of his head. "It throws off our schedule as well. I don't know what we could do to make the last day worthwhile for them."

Tamiko thought for a moment and a short glimpse over to Washijou gave her an idea.

"Well, I think I may have a solution to this problem."

When she told them of her plan, they nodded in agreement. While the two men started the camp without her, Tamiko went to the school dormitory, looking for Ushijima. When she knocked on his door, nobody opened but his neighbour did. She told Tendou about the current situation and he helped her search for him. Ushijima wasn't in any of the other gym's or in the cafeteria. They found him just as he came back from his morning jog, by the school gate.

"Ushijima!" she called.

The ace stopped and the two approached him, Tamiko completely out of breath. She really had low stamina.

"We were looking for you." Tendou told him while Tamiko was catching her breath.

The two boys waited patiently for her to calm her breath and then she stood upright. She looked up to Ushijima, clapped her hands together before her face and bowed her head.

"I need you to do me a big favour." she said.

He blinked a few times but listened to what she had to say. After explaining the whole situation he nodded.

"Yeah, I can do that." he agreed.

Tamiko was elated. She wrapped her arms around him and gave him a quick hug before she ran back to the gym.

"Thank you!" she squealed happily. "I owe you one!"

The two boys look after her as she ran into the distance and Tendou allowed himself to sneak a peek at his captain. Just as he suspected, Ushijima's face was bright red. The middle blocker didn't say anything but just smiled to himself. After a few seconds, Ushijima spoke.

"Let's get the others."

"Okay dokay." Tendou grinned.

When Tamiko returned to the gym the first years had already arrived for their last day. Hinata was present as well but today his sister wasn't there. Apparently little Natsu had caught a cold. Tamiko told Hinata to send Natsu her best wishes and then told the coaches her successful plan and the training began. It was a 2v2 match again and Tsuki was teamed up with Goshiki against Hyukazawa and Kunimi. Everyone else stood and watched them. It was an interesting play and even the first years started to analyse and comment on the plays themselves. Gaining an understanding of the sport was also important and that's what she was in charge of. She was proud to hear what the first years had to say. Especially for Hyukazawa. Ever since Hinata had a short but uplifting conversation with the giant, he was starting to find his rhythm and was improving. Once everyone had finished playing in the 2v2 plays, came the time for Saitou-sensei's instructions. However, because he wasn't present Tamiko's plan had kicked into action. A practise match.

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