Chapter 30 - A New Year

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The year grew to its end and Ushijima came by to visit every day. The first time he came it was really early in the morning. He had decided to change his route for the morning jog to the Kageyama neighbourhood so that he could go and see her. When he rang the doorbell, it was 6 in the morning. It took a while until someone opened the door and in the end it was Tamiko, in her pyjamas and still half asleep. She was more than surprised to see him but when she saw his tracksuit it didn't surprise her anymore.

"Come in," she yawned.

She offered him breakfast that they ate together. When Tobio came down for breakfast he didn't notice Ushijima at first. When he did, he got a fright. In the end the three enjoyed breakfast together when Ushijima was ready to leave and continue his jog. He was about to open the door when he was stopped.

"Wait for me, Ushijima-san!" Tobio called and slipped into his running gear.

Ushijima did wait for him patiently. Both could hear Tobio run around upstairs like a crazy chicken. When he came down the stairs he was wearing his winter running gear, leggings and thermo top. Tamiko watched curiously as her brother put on his shoes and waved to her.

"Have fun you two." Tamiko said when they left.

Tobio closed the door, did a few stretched and walked next to Ushijima. The grand ace didn't say a word when he started to run, Tobio just followed. For a while, they jogged in silence through the neighbourhood but Ushijima came to word first.

"When did she tell you?" he asked.

Tobio glanced over to him but Ushijima's eyes were focused on the road.

"When she picked me up." Tobio answered.

Ushijima didn't say anything and the two jogged on with a fast pace. The grand ace felt a little more at ease with the young setter. There was no hostility that he noticed and Tobio even wanted to jog with him. They didn't race or compete against each other. Their urge to train had become mutual and Tobio followed him back to the academy. He got a little nervous when he saw the familiar red hair.

"What's this, Wakatoshi-kun? Isn't that Karasuno's #9?" Tendou mustered Tobio but the young setter stayed quiet.

The other third years were a little sceptical when Ushijima told them that Tobio was just there to watch but over time they seemed to welcome him. Semi was eager to see the full extend of what Tamiko's little brother could do and even Shibaru was low key excited to have Oikawa's junior around, although his constant tongue clicking indicated otherwise. Tobio took the advantage to learn what he could by watching Ushijima, Semi and Shibaru train. Semi's serves also interested him. This routine continued for a couple of days. Ushijima would pause his morning jog to eat breakfast with the Kageyama siblings and Tobio would join him for the rest of the jog and watch them train in the morning. The afternoon he spent training at Karasuno. The biggest highlight came after five days when Ushijima let him toss him the ball. The grand ace was bewildered by the accuracy of Tobio's tosses but he welcomed it. This only boosted Tobio's confidence in himself and Semi sent the update to Tamiko.

From: Semi

To: Tamiko

Wakatoshi is letting your bro toss to him. You should see his face. He looks like a puppy who has just received a treat!!!

Tamiko smiled at the message and then glanced at the calendar in the kitchen. 30th of December. Tomorrow was the last day of the year and then there were only 5 days left until she would spend a week alone with Ushijima. Alone with Ushijima, for a week, sharing a hotel room. Her head nearly exploded at the thought. But she knew him. Nothing will happen and that gave her a little peace of mind. Since both had already planned out that week already she focused on more recent events; New Years. Her and Ushijima had decided to go to the shrine together tomorrow night, to welcome the new year together. A lot of scenarios had gone through her mind how that night would play out but she decided not to fret on it. Instead she prepared the traditional Kageyama day-before-new-year's dinner.

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