saving the newbies

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It is 3 o’clock when we arrive back at the shield base. Some people are still busy studying screens and talking on the phone. Night shift I guess. Some of the labs we pass on our way to the bunk room are also lit and scientists move inside working on who knows what. Probably the next super weapon or spying technology.

“What did the mafia guy want from you in the first place?” I ask when we enter the apartment.
“Well uh” he scratches the back of his head “I may have stolen his apartment building” now he looks like a teenager caught smoking.
“Why the hell would you do that?! And how do you even steal a whole building?”
There is a short pause before he continues. “I don’t always life here you know. When I am off duty or on hold I stay at my own apartment in Brooklyn.” Clint walks towards the kitchen counter probably going to make coffee.

He felt the exhaustion from sleeping 4 hours in the last 5 days now. Damn he really needed a coffee. A fucking strong coffee.

“The building belonged to a Mafia Boss and he started to kick the people out. I think they wanted to build a mall there.” The coffee machine humms quietly in the background.  “So you simply didn’t want to be kicked out?” I ask while making myself comfortable on one of the bar stools. This is going to be a longer story.
“Nah that’s not it.” He pours me a coffee and takes the pot himself.

He needed to protect the other people in the building. Simone and her kids and Grills . They had nowhere to go. Just then he realised that he, too  had nowhere to go except the S.H.I.E.L.D base.

“They always bothered me so I tried to buy the building but they refused to sell it.” With that he turns and leans on the other side of the counter facing me.

In his head he recalled the scene. The underground casino. The Mob. Ivan. How he trashed the place and found Lucky.

“Then I – uh. I might have forced them to sell the building and left them the money. So, um, technically I didn’t stole it but I don’t own it either.” He said and scratched the back of his head again.  “Since then they try to kill me but well as you saw today they haven’t been successful.” You can practically hear the smirk in his voice.

They will never get him out of there. He is responsible for those people.

“You enjoy fighting them!” I observe. “What?!” “Yes you do. ‘m pretty sure you would miss them.”
He thinks about if for a minute. “Guess she’s right. I do need my walking punching bags.”
Barton shrugs “Maybe, I uh. Maybe I like the distraction.” He finally manages.

“Come on Barton change the topic NOW.” He was not going to tell her more. He only knew her for less than a week.

"But it actually doesn’t really matter since I don’t really have enough downtime to get bored.” He laughs the empty coffee pot in his hand.

Just like he had waited for this moment Coulson came running through the door a file in his hand. He looked tired and concerned his fitted suit was crumpled and he had removed his tie. “Barton I need you to get my newbies back.”
Clint clasped his head with both hands. “Aww no. Not again.” “I am sorry agent but you are the only one who could do it right now. I would have asked Mey if she wasn’t in Taiwan right now.” He didn’t even look sorry. “Suit up wheels up in 30 Flight deck B I brief you on our way you got 5 minutes.”
  I watched the scene with interest and was actually glad that they completely ignored me.
Barton let out a grunt and stomped in our bedroom.
It took him exactly 87 seconds to change in black cargo pants, black combat boots and a black under armour shirt plus a S.H.I.E.L.D issued soft shell jacket. He grabbed a duffle bag, headed for a drawer I didn’t pay attention to before and filled it with 2 H&C´s plus ammo, 8 grenades, 7 smoke bombs, about a dozen throwing knives and something what must have been nearly 50 arrows with different tips. He now opened the second drawer and took various knives out concealing them under his clothes. Two went into his boots. One on his back one on his left arm, his left and right leg and his belt. Satisfied with his work he closed the drawer and came back to the kitchen area and shoved what had to be at least 2kg of protein bars in his duffle. In addition to that he also managed to cram 3 six-packs of some energy drink I never heard of in it. Last he went to get a medical pack.
About four and a half minutes passed since Coulson came in and Clint looked ready to go despite the dark circles under his eyes. Without a word he marched out of the door picking up his bow when passing it and Coulson turned to follow him.

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