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Training went by rather uneventfully. After yesterday, Winston didn't even try to partner me with someone else so Barton and I were constantly sparring together. I appreciated it. This way I at least got a nice workout out of the training session although we were only fighting lightly due to his wound. The strategic class was boring as expected. Nothing new to me. However, after lunch, my group was allowed to do a close combat simulation in one of the indoor arenas. Winston assigned us partners and watched from a raised platform how everyone was doing. Naturally I was again partnered with Barton and we managed to take out every other team in under 8 minutes. A new record as we found out afterwards.
I didn’t know secret intelligence agencies had something like training records. Shield seemed like a mix between an international company and the mafia. Kind of crazy kind of fun.
I let Barton talk me into getting Dinner together in the cafeteria to discuss the rest of my training. Apperently Fury had agreed on letting me skip some things after Winston told him my stats.
The plan was to continue with the group but mostly in the theoretical courses. My combat practice would now be supervised by Coulson and I was told to accompany my Group in the range and during training missions. It seemed like Fury wanted to test my Team skills. A pity. I was never good with teams or partners. They just slowed me down. But if they want to see me in a team, working with their agents, then I will do it and become the best at it they have. I will prove Fury that I am worth keeping and maybe he will allow me to stay.
Only when I heard an amused chuckle from the other side of the metal table, I noticed I had been lost in thoughts again. Planning was necessary for me right now and since there was no imminent threat at Shield, my mind kept slipping away.
“With me again?” the Archer asked between two bites of his third piece of lasagne.
“Sure. Would you mind telling me how you manage to eat those ridiculous amounts while staying in shape?” I gestured towards his plate.
“Ah right, my beauty secret.” He winked “I guess I have a good metabolism but also I am constantly training or on missions, rarely sleep because I have to collect Coulson’s lost Agents at odd times and do my mandatory cardio like a good Agent.”
“There is something as mandatory cardio?”
“Yes, everyone has to do it. It says that you have to run a certain amount of miles a week. Depends on your profession and age such as if you are on active field duty or not.” He answered before the last bit of lasagne disappeared in his mouth.
“How much is that for you? You have active field duty and are of young age.” I wondered and began to calculate how much the headmistress made us run each week.
“I think it’s 40 miles but some of it gets covered by my general training. Actually, I have less than some of my colleagues because I am officially hired as a sniper.” He grinned, leaving the table for dessert. “You cheater.”
He returned a few moments later with two yoghurts and spoons. “Strawberry or peach?”
I smiled “Strawberry please.”
A few weeks passed and finally, I felt somehow comfortable at Shield and didn’t wake up every time I heard a noise. I also noticed that my roommate went out less during the nights. Sometimes we would both wake up from a nightmare at the same time and stare at each other with drawn knives in hand.
I passed my fist two team mission simulations with my group with ease and was now allowed to leave the compound once a week. Only then it occurred to me that Barton took me out against direct orders the first night even though I could have run away.
My group training was cancelled due to a meeting Winston had with the other trainers to discuss our training stats. Barton approached me during breakfast where I sat with the rest of my group to socialize. Contrary to his usual Appearance he was clad in very well fitting black Jeans and a figure hugging thin v-neck t-shirt. One could clearly see his muscles flexing under it when he moved. Pfft, I thought. What a show-off.
“Here” he handed me a plain black purse made from heavy duty fabric. “Coulson told me to give you that. See you later.”
I barely managed to say “Thanks” before he vanished again. I saw a few of the girls on my table stare after him dreamingly and supressed the urge to roll my eyes.
Now interested in the content of the purse, I opened it and found a new American Passport with my picture and my Name on it such as another plastic card that identified me as a junior Agent of Shield. I knew that my group’s level one test was scheduled for today three weeks. If we passed, there would be a new card, soon.
One of my group members patted me on the shoulder “Hey you are officially one of us now.”
“Thanks Steven. Would you excuse me? I think I will hit the range.” I said with a smile and stored my tablet in the return compartment.

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