Chapter 12 - Tales Of The Infamous Bacon Thief

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Max’s POV

I woke up in a bed surrounded by white and blue, the room smelling distinctly of my boyfriends aftershave, so I knew instantly that I was at Ryan’s apartment. I tried to remember why I was there when the pain in the back of my head gave me a firm reminder. I rolled over to meet the beautiful blue eyes belonging to Ryan, who was propped up on his arm next to me, watching me intently.

‘Were you watching me sleep again?’ I mumbled, rubbing at my eyes.

‘Uh, urrr, no, why would I do that? Your ugly in your sleep, your mouth is like open a tiny bit and you like moan when you roll over and YES ok? Yes! Can’t a guy watch his-‘

I effectively stopped his rant by rolling on top of him and pressing my lips to his. He seemed to not mind the action, because he immediately wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me closer.

He paused and pulled away, gently touching the back of my head, ‘How does it feel?’

‘eh, a little sore, not too bad,’ I shrugged, the pain was scarcely there, and I hoped that it would fade further as the day went on. 

‘Good’ he smiled, and I watched the worry disappear from his eyes, ‘So Ben and I had a little talk last night’

‘What about?’ I rolled off him, I had forgotten that his brother was staying over here. What happens when he comes in and sees me?


‘Does he know about us?’

He smiled and nodded.

‘He took it well?’ I asked and he nodded again.

‘Yep, was happy for us.’

‘That’s amazing Ryan,’ I knew how scared he was to come out to people, but to know that his brother was so open about it was great news. 

‘I know! And what he said about other things, it really made me think about us going public’

‘And what did you decide?’

‘I want us to do it, at some point, but not now.’

He had no idea what a relief it was to hear him say that. Just the thought of us being able to be open about our relationship seemed like a dream, but to hear that he wanted it too, well that was amazing.

I leant back down to kiss him again but the door opened a tin bit and so I rolled off of him.

‘Hey, can I open the door?’ Ben’s hesitant voice came from the slightly opened door.

‘No we are having sexy time!’ Ryan yelled out and I slapped his arm playfully, causing him to roll his eyes. He was such a child sometimes, but I found his light-hearted personality quite humours.

‘Yes, come in Ben.’

There was a pause, ‘Well which one is it? Because I would really rather not come in if it’s the first one.’

‘Come in,’ Ryan sighed and the door opened to reveal his older brother.

He had changed from last night, now wearing jeans and a dark button up shirt.

‘I made breakfast if you guys want to come out?’

‘Sounds good, we will be out soon,’ I smiled at him and the man nodded and left.

I was suddenly hit in the arm, ‘Why did you do that? Now I actually have to get out of bed!’

I simply kissed his cheek and got out of the bed, throwing some shorts and a white shirt over my boxers, thank-full for my drawer here full of spare clothes.

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