Chapter 20 - What To Believe? The Threats Or Promises?

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Max’s POV

I watched in shock as the news showed video of Ryan and Claudia outside of some restaurant in Hollywood. The reporter was claiming that this was taken just over half an hour ago, where some unexpected news was given by Claudia Grey and Ryan Connors.  

Claudia was wearing a large smile on her face, showing off her large diamond ring, while Ryan stood behind her, smiling and holding her free hand.

What was going on?

When he left my place this morning it seemed that he was going to tell Claudia that it was a mistake and sort it all out. He told me that he was going to tell her about us and organise their split, but the television was showing something completely contradictory to that. My phone buzzed in my hand and I accepted the call, my eyes not leaving the screen.

‘Are you watching this? What is he doing?’ Aria’s voice came from the phone.

‘Yep, sure am, and I have no idea what he is doing?’

‘I am not saying that he is, but do you think he lied to us?’ she spoke slowly, like she was worried of the affect her words would cause.

‘No. No way.' Ryan wouldn’t lie like that, and he explained it last night, right?

‘As much as you trust Ryan, he isn’t giving us much of a reason to trust him right now,’ She tried to reason with me.

‘He is- Wait, he’s saying something.’

On the large flat screen in front of me Ryan stepped forward as a reporter asked him a question.

‘After over a year of dating, why did you chose now to propose?’

Ryan gave a grin and shared a look with the woman next to him. ‘Well, we are in love, and it seemed like the right time. We also found out the other day that..’

Claudia gave him and nod and he put a hand on her stomach as the woman spoke, ‘We are having a baby.’

WHAT! They are- what? That’s impossible!

‘What did the bitch just say?!’ Aria was freaking out on the other line.

‘This must be a mistake right?’ I asked her, hoping that she didn’t hear what I just heard. Ryan would never cheat on me with Claudia right? But I guess she was his ‘real girlfriend’. Tears stung my eyes as I thought about it. Was he lying to me this whole time? Were he and Claudia actually sleeping together?

The things he said last night, were they just to save his own ass?

The crowd on the television applauded and then it went back to the studio. This had to be some sort of sick joke.

‘I don’t know honey, look I am going to come over there, I’ll be at your apartment in twenty minutes and we can figure all this out, ok?’

‘Uh, yeah,’ I told her, my mind still reeling.

She hung up and I turned off the television, throwing the remote at the wall. I heard a crack when it hit, but I didn’t care.

What did all of this mean for Ryan and I? I was not his mistress, I wasn’t going to hide in the shadows while he raised a family with some woman.

Why couldn’t we just come out like we said?

I put my head into my hands and willed the thoughts to go away. I thought that I knew Ryan, I really did, but maybe I was mistaken, maybe we weren’t as close as I thought. Maybe he didn’t want to come out at all, and it was just a trick?

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