Lost My Mind

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 Chapter 7

Lost My Mind

{Zack's POV – Tuesday}

Fuck. He looks so freaking delicious right now! If this wasn't a classroom... well if this wasn't occupied by students and and teacher, I would be all over him. Well, maybe the room didn't have to be empty. I bit my lip to try and distract myself. But nothing was helping, and these pants are started to get tighter. 

I was looking at Dylan to be exact. I've practically lost my mind over him. But he would only be a fuck to me and then I'd be over it. That's what I'm telling myself. I refused to think of it as anything else. Love was something far, far, far off in the distance. So far it beat Narina's ass and still went farther away. Ever since yesterdays fooling around, I couldn't get Dylan out of my head. And it especially pleased me that he seemed to have forgotten about the hickey that I left that was clearly visible. Or maybe he just didn't care. And that kind of got me excited.

The last bell rang and I grabbed Dylan before he could even finish zipping up his backpack.

“Whoa, ok what the hell?” Dylan said as he struggled to get his balance. I pulled him super close to me by his shirt, giving him the 'don't-question-me' look. I saw him swallow and then he quickly looked at my lips. I smirked. No matter how much he tries not deny it, he wants me as much as I want him. But he can't have me.

I pushed him into the wall, as the hallway was now clear, and kissed him. His lips parted just a little and I slipped my tongue in and twisted it with his. He let out a strangled moan in my mouth, as his body melted with mine. His hands ran up and down my stomach. His hands were warm against my cold body, and no mercy was given to me as he got rough. But he knows that's how I want this.

He moved his lips down to my neck and I gasped when he bit down hard. Damn what have I done to this sweet little boy? Whatever it is I like it. His hands traveled down my back and to my ass. He pulled me closer and grinned against me. I pulled away and lead him down the hall.

“Where are we going?” He said. I shoved him into the janitor's closet. It's not the first time I couldn't wait to get home to do something naughty. Shoving him against the wall and continuing to kiss him I tugged at his shirt. He pulled it up over his head and he did the same for me. He kissed down my skin and stopped at my nipple and licked it. I moaned. Really, do I have to be such an influence on his sex life? But he better only do this type of stuff with me! Wait what?

I pulled his head up to look me dead on, “Dylan you're not to speak of whatever happens this week ever, ok?” He nodded his head and leaned back in for another kiss. I grabbed his neck before he got any closer and pushed his head back against the wall. This wasn't love. This wasn't fucking. This was just raw, pure lust. My hand then proceeded to find his pants and started rubbing his hard-on. I also took this time to feel just what exactly I might, possibly, be getting shoved in me one day. And it was huge!

As he got more excited I went down keeping my eyes on him and he keeping his eyes on me. Lust washed all over his features. But as soon as he felt his jeans pop open, he came back down to earth and shoved me away.

"Stop." He huffed. "Just ... stop." Dylan pushed me away more forcefully and grabbed his shirt. I just sighed and put on my shirt. We drove home, went to our rooms and didn't even look at each other during dinner. Oh my god, I'm gonna barf! It's like we're married!

But it's only because I've lost my mind. At least I have Michael's party this Friday. Or else I would have completely lost my bad boy. Dylan is not going to be there and I'm thankful for that, which means any good looking guy could catch my attention without trying.

Even though I would rather sleep, I couldn't even do that. All I wanted to do was get laid by Dylan so I could get some sleep and go back to my cycle of boys.

A/N So, I'm doing a double upload!! Yay! Next chapter will be out in a few. <3

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