06. Willow

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Father and Yves headed off with Gustav and a dozen knights. I was not really surprised to be left together with my sisters.

Thankfully, Xenon was with us, or else I would have no one to rely on if my sisters drained the hell out of me when worse came to worst.

It had been almost a week since the last time I had seen him. I had no problems sneaking out in the garden since he had been busy with other matters but now it would be difficult again.

If the knight guarding my door alternated every month, it was Xenon who had been my personal knight ever since. He constantly tagged along with me whenever I got out of my chamber.

Our eyes met and he gave a quick bow. My gaze remained at him. He was definitely aware we were going to Deliora. I wondered how he was feeling.

"Goodness gracious! I still can't believe she came. How can Father agree to this?" said Erodessa, obviously not pleased with my presence.

I didn't need to ask who the 'her' was since it was definitely me. I was used to it.

"Look at her gown, it doesn't even suit her," commented Lian, looking sympathetically at me.

My tongue was itching to talk back to her. Gustav had prepared a proper wardrobe for me and I had a few decent formal gowns but there was nothing that suited a grand ball like the Twilight Party. Thanks to them, I even had to give up on that since they ruined those.

Now I was stuck with their charity and they made sure to give me their old-fashioned clothes. Even my regular dresses were much more comfortable but they were obstinate and the servants would dare not oppose them.

I was dressed in such a hideous gown adorned with frills and large bows. It was the color of mustard that was visibly unflattering to my fair complexion. Overall, even if I was not an expert I could tell that I was a fashion disaster with the cringing looks sent by the servants towards me.

After minutes of hearing their verbal abuse, the carriage finally arrived and they excitedly entered together with a maid. They were openly insulting me since the maid had already sat before me. I had no choice but to sit beside her since it was worse riding together with the coachman.

Xenon's presence was welcomed but there was also no way I could ride behind him or it would lead to a bigger scandal.

"You must be comfortable in your seat, Carline," remarked Erodessa.

"I'm sure she is, sister. It's obvious that's her place," followed by Lian's assertion.

They were giggling and whispering at each other. It was likely they thought I didn't know what they indicated. If a servant was together with their master in the carriage, they were required to sit opposite each other. But in cases like this, the servants should not be allowed inside. It was considered to be disrespectful and humiliating for the noble as it pertains to having equal status as them.

I just ignored them and focused my attention on the scenery outside. How I wish the carriage ride would be a lot faster.


The ride, mercifully, went smoothly. All they did was talk about senseless stuff and fully ignored me. It was better though than having their attention.

We were inside the gates of the palace of Deliora and I was still staring outside the window. The pathway was lined with Silvermist trees. A rare pine tree that had leaves as white as snow yet they managed to get the whole way filled with it. The carriage was near and I caught a glimpse of the palace.

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