27| Falling and Fuming

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Dedicated to:Cupcakeninjaaa

Thank you so much for being a sweet person and for all the lovely comments :D Keep supporting me!


"Nothing hurts more than being disappointed by the single person you thought would never hurt you"


Logan's POV

It was break-time that day and I sat in the library, ear phones plugged in, studying for a physics quiz.

The ache in my chest, where the car had hit me, pulsated throughout my body. The pain would stop for a while and then come again, immense and intense and I would wince helplessly.

I didn't remember it hurting so bad last night, maybe the turn of events had me dazed. But right then, I was alone with my thoughts and the only thing whirling in my mind was fear. Fear that this injury could actually be something way worse than I imagined. I will have to seek a doctor's help.

A notification snapped me from my trance.

It was Jacob, Natalie's ex. I could confidently say it was no threat; he was never rude to me even though he knew that Natalie gave me too much attention.

I opened the chat and read:


'Wassup yo! You wouldn't believe what just happened XD'

'Your girlfriend had an argument with that asshole Carlton in front of the principal's office'

'Brandon had a fight with him too and it was so fucking cool, I even videotaped it'

I gaped shockingly at the texts and my heart jumped in agony. I knew Claire was up to something.

I quickly replied that I was coming there and sauntered out of the library.

When I reached the scene I could spot the crowd of students moving away. My hasty eyes scrutinized it and I spotted her in a corner, talking to a few girls.

I jogged up to her and she turned to look at me, immediately getting scared.

"I heard you had a fight, is that true?" I asked, sternly.

"I...I was trying to take revenge because he...hurt you" she stuttered as she spoke, fear clearly showing on her countenance. The three girls standing beside her dissolved into a series of 'Awww's.

I rolled my eyes in response "I'm not trying to scare you, Claire. Just promise me you won't do this again"

"Okay" she pursed her lips.

"Awe you guys!" one brunette squealed, clasping her hands together "You're so cute together!"

In the beginning, it was simply amusing to see them swooning over our pretend relationship. Their misunderstanding didn't seem funny anymore as Claire and I stared miserably into each other's souls.

I knew she was waiting for me and I blamed myself every hour of every day because of that.

I didn't want her to be anything more than my friend. Over the years, I didn't even let her get a hint of my bad side. I was a horrible person who wasn't good for her and it's because I cared that I distanced myself from her.

I was dangerous, the real me would ruin her.

I was like my father – selfish, arrogant, self approved, and I was never able to care about anyone or their feelings.

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