Sixteen - Ragdoll

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"Now I can't think of air without thinking of you"

  Love Is A Laserquest, Arctic Monkeys 

"What?" My voice was barely a hoarse whisper. He laid his forehead on mine, leaving me to only have vision of his vicious smirk. "I'll say it one more time Williams," he paused for a moment "you're mine. You were always mine."

It took all my strength to kick his knee and leave him howling in pain while hurled up on the floor. He held his knee close to his chest and winced.

"I thought I was just your silly little rag doll."



Because of the incident with Ass-hton, I had to jog to school if I didn't want to be late. The halls weren't buzzing with students yet which I was thankful for. I could smile at the state I left Ashton in.

The boy did barge into my house didn't he?

So now I could practically vision him tearing up on my neighbor's porch while their dog, a Rottweiler, barked and basically foaming at the mouth at the sight of Ashton.

It was great.

"Hey! Williams!" Conner smiled at me while tossing his hair to the side, J.B. style.

"Hi Bieber." He cocked his head sideways at me like a dog. "Nevermind," I shut my locker and huddled my books close to my chest.

"So – um – I have to tell you something," he looked at me sheepishly earing a scowl from me.

"What did you do?" I whispered-shouted to him.

"About the lit project," he paused for a second so I gestured for him to continue. "Basically, we have to perform a scene of Violet and Theodore. And I kind of pissed off Mrs.Watson and she assigned us the part where Theo and Violet kiss for us to perform."

I gawked at him and he looked at me ever-so calmly.

"No," he ruffled my hair and grinned. "You say that way too often darling," I swatted his hand away from my cheek.

"You'll just have to find another partner, Peterson." I said terrifyingly calm even Conner looked at me in shock.

"I can't do that!" He pouted. Waving him off, "you'll have to do something because I sure as heck am not doing that," a few students watched as I walked towards my first period with a smile on my face.



"What do you mean I can't switch partners?!" Mrs.Watson covered her ears from the volume of my shriek. She sighed and straightened up a few papers laying on her desk.

"I'm sorry Ms.Williams, you have been assigned the scene and there's no switching partners this late into the project. You and Mr. Peterson have to work something out. You both are mature seniors and I expect better from both of you. And plus, don't think I haven't seen you hanging around with him," she winked at me and dismissed me. "Off you go now."

She already looked stressed enough so I did as I was told and grumped out of the classroom. "Oh and Williams!" I looked back. "I have my reasons for partnering you guys up." She smiled. I shook my head and went to my locker to grab my backpack.

Mrs. Watson is a sweet teacher, don't get me wrong. But sometimes she has this weird temporary mood where she can talk to you like you guys are cousins, or sometimes she can just be quirky in her own ways. That's why she was my favorite teacher. Now despite her grandma figure, I've grown to hate the woman because of her recent act of her partnering me up with a certain blonde-haired monster.

"Hey Jade," a voice said from behind my locker, making me jump. I grabbed my backpack and shrugged it on before my heart skipped, you know maybe like five beats. Why?

Because freaking Bryan Jones acknowledged my existence! That's why!

"Oh hey," I managed to play it cool with a smile and closing my locker door before walking down the hallway with Bryan on my side.

"You know if I knew you memorized the lyrics to a Fall Out Boy song, I would have hung out with you a long time ago." He teased.

Wait – I'm not sure if he was joking. Because if a guy memorized an Arctic Monkeys or one of The Neighbourhoods songs I would literally be head-over-heals for him.

"Hah, please. I've memorized at least every song in Save Rock And Roll. Not to mention other bands," he stopped and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Is that so now?" He leaned against a locker and crossed his arms over his chest.

Don't stare you creep!

"Try me." I smirked.

"Alright. I'm throwing a pool party and I expect you there to sing every song from that album in front of everyone there."




"Seriously?" Autumn shrieked and Ivy groaned over the phone. Of course they can put me with any guy but if I were to tell them I've shipped them together since tenth grade I'd get a pounding?

"Hold on someone's at the door." I paused and carefully crept towards the window to get a peek at who it is at my doorstep at eight in the afternoon. It's already dark.

"I can't really see who it is," I quickly crouched down after the person looked up at my room. Thankfully the only light in my room was my dimmed lamp all the way on the other side of my window. After awhile, a variation of loud and light thumps came from my window. I took another glimpse and noticed the slight dents the rocks made.

So I crept downstairs with my baseball bat in one hand and a dagger knife meant to cut oranges in the other. I slowly opened the door, the bat above my head ready to beat the living nonsense out of this person. Who comes uninvited to someone's house when it looks like it's midnight?

Curse you daylight savings. Curse you.

I dropped my baseball bat at the sight of Conner and groaned. "What are you doing at my house when it looks like it's midnight?

He looked at me with one of his more sly smirks and gazed into my eyes.

"I'm here to practice our lit project of course."



*pulls shirt collar away from neck*

heyo everybodyo! something CA-RAY-ZAY happened and i'm ECSTATIC 



I love you all so so much <3

Q.O.T.C (question of the chapter- see what i did there?)

whose your favorite character?


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