Chapter 18[Editing]

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Kate's mind was totally on the genetor and the way his intense eyes said so much to her but she couldn't figure what. She had been in so much thought that she didn't even hear half of what Danny had been saying, on the short trip to Austins place.

" are you okay, Kate ?" Danny relaxed on the seat.

" yes I'm fine, just a bit excited to see my car again"

" well you don't seem excited and you calling her a car proves that I'm right"

" my minds a bit distracted thats all" she said as she took her bag and opened the door to get out,but was stopped by Danny's hand.

" is it that asshole, is he bothering you again because if he is, let me know" he said with slight anger flashing in his eyes.

" no, its not and like I told Nick, I'm sure it was just a stupid prank which I fell for"

" well even so, I still think it's best if we be cautious and I'm not just saying that, I mean it Kate, you know that I really, really care about you" he said as his grip got tighter around her wrist, making her a little frightens and uncomfortable.

" I know" she whispered.

" I hope you know it because I don't want to be having to prove anything" he said in a much stronger deep tone, making Kate wish to be out of the car.

" okay, umm Danny you're hurting me" she pleaded quietly and he slowly let go of her wrist, trying to relax and return to his normal Danny expression but Kate still saw the dangerous almost dark emotion in his eyes.

Kate didn't wait for anything else but immediately got out and Danny followed suit, he was right behind her and she now was a bit uneasy about what had happened in Danny's car.

" how can I be sure that everything is legit?" Stacey asked the guy.

The guy didn't answer as always but tapped the full yellow package that he had given her. Of course he wore Hus red worn out cap which lay lower, covering his eyes which she suspected were intense .

" so how long will this take?" She asked nervously when he faced her and still the eyes were covered, now with shades under the cap.

" as long as it needs to be" he finally answered with a surprisingly deep voice which brought shivers along her spine.

" now out" he demanded quietly with that threatening tone which made her scoot out as fast as her feet could taker her.

She still wondered how she had gotten herself into this, one thing she knew was that she could sense the guilt wash over her. She knew that she had to stop this as soon as she completed what was needed to do.


She must be important, that's all that rang in her head as Julie wondered about Max's mystery girl, because she didn't think it was a guy.

She had debated whether or not to ask Max again and all she found herself doing was waiting for everyone, including Max to leave, so she could attempt the most dangerous thing she has ever done, that was to do a bit of research herself.

After she was convinced that she was alone, she headed to Max's home and luckily found the door to be lucky that the door was not locked, maybe someone might come back, so she had to hurry.

She didn't waste time time but went to upstairs , she searched every room until she found his. It was no different from other guys rooms with the browns, blues etc.

She felt a sense of guilt for a while until she found a white shoe box under the bed, she decided to take a sit on the bed and open it. She was nervous at first but opened it anyway, what she found however , was not what she expected. All there was were pictures of Kate.

Julie's face drained out blood and instantly became pale as everything in that box was about Kate.

" oh my God" she gasped out loud as she picked up Kate's emerald green earring that Julie had bought for her, she then saw the little poem underneath the pictures .

Before she could say or do anything , she suddenly froze in place when Max cursed out loud, he looked confused but mad and she was shocked.

" you need to explain all of this, right now!"

Her attitude changed when she held the little poem in one hand, looking ready to skin him alive.

" and don't even think of lying to me, tell me why you have my cousins pictures in your room!" she raised her voice.

" please put that down" Max pleaded with Julie .

Julie placed the poem back in its place .

" okay, if that's what you want, I'll do it, I'll tell you everything " he said.

DARK PARADISE. [ Currently Under Editing.]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant