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Batman were in the interrogation room with Shirou.

"So, Shirou," Batman began.  "Or should I say Mystic?  That's what you're calling yourself correct?  Who are you?  Kent Nelson said that you are something of a protege of his?"

"No," Shirou said.  "I'm not really Kent's apprentice.  Just a stranger who found himself at Kent's doorstep.  Kent took me in and after a little bit of learning, he sent me here to the Justice League."

"He also said you were from another dimension."

"That part's true."

"Really," Batman said, skeptically.

"Yes, really," Shirou said, starting to get annoyed.  "What am I doing here?  I helped the Team and Kent Nelson vouched for me.  Can't I get some credibility."

"It gives you the benefit of the doubt," Batman said.  "However, there are certain elements to your story that we are unable to prove."

Shirou glared at the Dark Knight, then sighed.  "So that's what you want.  You want to know my story.  And that's why you've been having the Manhunter trying to probe my mind."

This startled Batman.  "You can sense him?"  He looked at the mirror, knowing John was on the other side.

Shirou nodded.  "Telepathy is a pain.  If it catches me off guard, I have limited options.  Luckily, my mental defenses are strong enough to repel him.  He can't get into my mind without invitation.  He can, however, establish a non-aggressive telepathic link."

Fine, Martian Manhunter thought, communicating with a telepathic link.

The martian density shifted through the wall into the room.

"My apologies for our deception," he said.  "We only wanted to see your allegiance."

Shirou sighed.  "I guess I can't hold you to blame.  I will allow a mental link to allow you to see my memories.  But be careful.  It's not pretty."

Martian Manhunter looked at Batman, who nodded.  They then began the link.  Soon the League members understood Shirou's personality, but they also were granted glimpses of his past: the Fuyuki fire, the Grail War, Dead Apostle hunts, life as a Counter Guardian, etc.  After the link was done, the Manhunter looked at Shirou with pity while Batman looked at him with respect.

"What did you see?" Shirou asked, curiously.

"Enough," Batman said.  "From what we gathered, you are an expert in armed combat and martial arts.  You have mystical capabilities as well, though you consider yourself not that well a mage."

"Magus," Shirou corrected.  Then Shirou realized that Batman said he wasn't good with magecraft.  Because of Alaya, Gaia, and Zelretch, his magecraft level is significantly better.  This must mean they didn't see what came after being a Counter Guardian.

"Right," Batman said.  "Anyways, let's see how well you can preform.  You'll spare in armed fighting with Wonder Woman, martial arts with me, archery with Green Arrow, and magic with Zatara."

"Right," Shirou said.  "Let's do this."

Watchtower, Training room

"Let's begin," Wonder Woman said.  The Amazon wore her usual outfit and held a silver sword.  Both she and Shirou stood on opposite corners of a ring, with Leaguers Zatara, Batman, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Superman, Aquaman, Captain Marvel, and Green Arrow observing.

Young (Hero of) Justice (A Young Justice and Fate Stay Night crossover)  HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now