Training and Androids.

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Hello, everybody!  So now that the annoying wands, the crazy tsundere is gone, and my injuries are somewhat healed, I think I should get back to writing this.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything.  Research who actually owns franchises.

"Damn it," Shirou growled, as he released another floating sword.  "God freaking dammit!"

The team were currently disposing of the remains of a dangerous android which had replicated the abilities of multiple League members.  They sent six trucks off, four acting as decoys the others containing the android remains.  Kid Flash, Miss Martian, and Aqualad followed one truck in one direction, while Shirou, Robin, and Superboy followed the other.  Shirou rode on a motorcycle he had seen Saber ride in her memories, the Yamaha V-Max.  By copying Saber's A skill riding skill and utilizing Prana Burst, he can control the extremely fast bike easily.

Unfortunately, robotic monkeys appeared from the cornfield, utilizing jetpacks to grab onto the trucks.  Shirou retaliated to the attacking monkeys with flying swords.

"I hate monkeys," Superboy growled.

"Have you even seen a monkey?" Shirou questioned.  "You've only been alive for like a month or two.  When did you have time to see an actual monkey."

Flustered, Superboy blushed, as he was very embarrassed.  "Sh-shut up, Mystic."  This caused Robin to laugh.

The monkeys that survived were distracting the author, the three heroes were in hot pursuit.

"Robot monkeys!" Robin said.  "Ha ha!  Totally Ivo's tweaked style."  The boy pressed a button and part of his bike was released, turning itself into a drone.

"Hey, guys," Robin said.  "Switch your ride to battle mode."

"Mine doesn't have one," Shirou replied.  "But I can do this."

Instantly, Saber's armor materialized around the bike and Invisible Air surrounded the bike, protecting it from air resistance.  "Presenting Saber Motor Cuirassier mode."

"Nice," Robin commented.  "What about you Supes?  Battle mode."

"No point," he replied.  He jumped off his motorcycle and landed onto the truck.  The bike however fell back in Robin and Shirou's way.

"Or not," Robin said.  He jumped off to avoid being hit by the falling bike and clung onto the truck with a grappling hook.  Shirou however, easily maneuvered out of the way.  He then used the Gate of Babylon, in its Bab-ilu form.  Ten golden orbs appeared around him and he began blasting monkeys to pieces with brilliant weaponry.  Superboy and Robin were also crushing monkeys, and Robin's drone was providing support fire with a red laser.

More monkeys appeared from the fields, causing Shirou to direct his fire towards them.  The monkeys, however, had too much numbers.  The monkeys easily destroyed the drone and it was all Shirou could do to keep them off both his and his allies.  Other monkeys blasted Superboy right in the face with green lasers.  They then threw him off the truck, though he got right back up and gave chase with super-powered jumps.  Robin was faring better, as he had more room to fight.  He got on top of the vehicle and began smashing monkeys with two batons.  More monkeys were about to attack from behind when Superboy landed on them.  As the boys fought off the monkeys, two moved away and blasted the wheels.  Robin quickly got the driver to safety while the bus fell.  The back of the truck exploded, with the monkeys flying off with the chest containing the remains of the androids.

The truck flipped over, revealing Superboy, who was moving the truck off of him.  Growling, the boy of steel chased after the robots with super high jumps.

Young (Hero of) Justice (A Young Justice and Fate Stay Night crossover)  HIATUSWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu