22. White Dress Became Red

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Hello, my lovely readers. This chapter today is a little different instead of having Dakota's perspective we will have Dylan's perspective. Enjoy.

Dylan's POV:

One moment Dakota was telling her father off, and the next thing I know she was running off. I chased her and saw her run like a madwoman. I knew she wasn't thinking straight.

As she was running through the busy streets I suddenly saw her body fly in the sky. She was hit by a car. When I saw her lifeless body in the ground my whole world came crashing down. I ran towards her and picked her up. Her face was covered with blood, her once white dress was now red.

"SOMEBODY CALL AN AMBULANCE." I yelled. The man who ran her over immediately dialed the ambulance. I wanted to shred him into pieces, but I knew it wasn't his fault.

I placed my middle and index finger in her neck trying to find a pulse, but I felt nothing. Next thing I know I was on top of her doing CPR.

"You can't die on me. You can't leave me too." I kept repeating. Before I knew it I was being dragged away from her body by one of the paramedics.

"Sir sir SIR!" One of the paramedics had to shake me to get me to respond.

"We're taking her now will you be joining us?"

"Yes!" I hopped in the back of the ambulance.

"Continue compressions, press 5 of Epi." All these damn medical terms and all I understood was that Dakota was dying and she had died a few minutes ago.

We reached the hospital and they rushed her to the ER.

"Sir, you can't come in here."

"Like hell I can't." I said and tried pushing my way through.

"Sir, if you keep insisting I will find the need to call security."

"That's my damn wife!" I yelled at the nurse.

"I know and we will try out very best to save her but you need to let us do our jobs." I nodded and stepped away.

I sat in the waiting room patiently waiting for news. I decided to call my family and tell them what happened. Before I knew it my father and sister where next to me.

"How is she, son?" My dad asked.

"I don't know, dad. I had to do CPR cause she wasn't breathing. Dad she died. Dad her dress was white and n---" I couldn't even finish the sentence because my voice cracked. My dad patted and squished my shoulder that was his way of reassurance. My sister hugged me and kept repeating that she was going to be okay.

A doctor came out and called Dakota's name.

"I'm her husband." I said running towards him.

"Hello, Mr.Maxwell your wife has suffered a terrible car accident. Her aorta is shredded and she has an inter-cranial bleed. The only way for her to survive is to operate both things at the same time, but there is a high probability that she will either bleed out or her body won't be able to handle that much pressure. I need your consent in order to proceed with both operations or if you're willing to take away medical support."

"Who will be operating on my wife?" I managed to choke out.

"Dr.Smith and Dr.Loyola."

"No, I want the best Cardiothoracic surgeon and Neurosurgeon for my wife and I have never heard of such surgeons."

"Sir with the utmost respect we have no time and you being picky over the surgeons is not helping your wife's situation."

"I don't care in your medical opinion who are the best surgeons out there in these two fields."

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