25. Unexpected Child

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Recuperation took longer than what I had hoped for. I was stuck at the hospital for about three weeks. I was doing physical therapy doing the course of those three weeks. All those three weeks, Dylan was by my side. He took time off work, and allowed his brother to take over the company while he held my hand in physical therapy. He was there every step of the way.

After waking up for the first time in weeks I had many visitors including all of Dylan's family, Nonna, and Landon. Even Sky decided to pass by and make me company. Alec, did not return but he did text me every once in a while making sure I was okay.

"Today is finally the day." Dylan said as he helped me get up from bed.

"You're telling me, my butt cheeks are imprinted in that bed."

"Woah woah slow down, here let me carry you." Dylan said. Before I was able to reply I was already picked up bridal style.

"Put her down, Hulk." Dr.Shepherd told my husband.

Dr.Shepherd had actually stayed all this time monitoring my improvement, and I actually became quite fond of him and so did my husband. Much to all of the misfortune of the department and mine Dr.Shepherd was happily married, with two kids and a third one in the way.

"Why aren't you gone?" My husband groaned as he placed me back in bed.

"I wanted to say goodbye to my favorite patient." He smiled.

"Stop flirting with my wife." Dylan said.

"I have my own wife which I very much love." Shephered retorted.

"Gentlemen please stop arguing and please let me go home, I am tired of this hospital."

"Even of my face?" Shepherd pouted.

"As much as I appreciate your face, yes. I need to leave."

"Okay, it's time to say goodbye. Please take care and call me if you need anything don't hesitate." Derek came over to my bed and gave me a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. He then continued to shake Dylan's hand.

"Make sure she doesn't get in front of any cars will you?"

"I will definitely make sure she does not do that, ever again. Thank you for everything. I owe you one so do not hesitate to ever ask me for anything." Dylan said.

"I will keep that in consideration, but it was a pleasure treating your wife. She's a handful which I very much I appreciate it reminded me of my own wife." Dr.Shepherd walked out of the room.

"Okay let's go!" I hurriedly said. I was so ready to go home, and enjoy some of my own personal favorite food.

"Get on the wheelchair." Dylan instructed.

"No, I wanna walk my legs are perfectly fine."

"You can either sit on the wheelchair or I will carry you all the way down to the car." He had his serious face on so I knew he was not kidding so I sat down in the wheelchair.

An hour later we were finally at home. Daniel would not leave my side saying he missed me a lot, and that I had to get better to play soccer with him. Meanwhile, Dylan was in the study working so he made Daniel take care of me. He was so precious taking care of me. Every two seconds he kept asking me if he was squishing me since his head was laid in my legs as we watched cartoons. Daniel was with me until he fell asleep and Dylan picked him up and dropped him off in his bed.

I know I was on medications, but something seemed off about Dylan he looked distracted. Something was not right.

As I laid in bed starting at the white ceiling Dylan walked in and plopped himself next to me. He gently placed his head in my stomach and silently laid there.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I stroked his hair gently.

"Nothing, just work."

"You know I'm all drugged up, but something is up."

"I don't want to worry you."

"Just spill it because sooner than later I will find out."

"I will try to understand whatever it is, I promise I won't bolt." I assured.

"Everything is just so good I do not want to ruin it over a stupid mistake."

"Dylan, you're worrying me what is it?" I asked getting up from my laid down position.

"Okay, remember when we took that time off when you left for two months?"


"Remember how Hayley said that we had an encounter."


"It was a sexual encounter." He said and it was a blow to the stomach, but I promised to be understanding so I did not lose my composure.

"Okay." I coldly said.

"She called me today with news."

"What news?"

"She's late, and now she thinks she's pregnant because she has never been late in her life." All I heard in that sentence was the word pregnant. I stayed silent. I had no words to express how I felt.

"Kota, please say something."

"I don't know what you want me to say. My husband just told me that he may have impregnated another woman." I calmly said, but inside I was raging with anger.

"Dakota, I am sorry. This was never my intention. I was stupid and reckless."

"Indeed, you were."

"I don't know what to do."

"You can start off by removing your head from my stomach."


"No, seriously. You have a big head you're hurting my ribs."

"Oh I'm sorry." He removed his head from my stomach, and I sat up.

"Are you positive that she is pregnant? And most importantly are you the father?"

"She called me to tell me that she was going to get a test done."

"Okay, so we must wait for the results. Then we can proceed from there."

"We?" He asked.

"Yes, we. I am your wife, and even though you committed this stupid mistake it does not mean that I am willing to throw everything away, once again. If she is pregnant and it is your kid then I will help you raise him. I will be his second mother, if he allows me to. We are in this together, we've been through enough."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, but don't make me regret it."

"I promise I won't."

"For now, we must not upset her so she won't go to the press. We will wait, and see what future steps to take." I said.

"Have I told you that you make my life so much easier? That you are my peace? My happiness? Have I told you that I love you?" He loves me? Did I hear that right?

"Look you don't have to stay anything, god knows that I have put you through enough. But almost losing you made me realize that I love you." I stayed silent. I was stunned. I looked at him, and I could tell that he was upset that I wasn't saying anything.

Did I love this man? The man who had came into my life barking orders? Did I love the man who force me into marriage? Did I love the man who was so caring with his family? Did I love the man who gave me a princess wedding, but disastrous wedding night? Did I love the man who continues to make mistakes? Did I love the man who brought me back to life twice? Did I love the man who got me an acceptance to the school of my dreams? Did I love the man who proposed at the top of the Empire State Building? Did I love the man who once offended me until almost breaking me, but now is showering me with love and affection?

"You have been a pain in my ass for the past 6 months, you came into my life shoving a contract into my face. You have offended me like no others. You have given me the best and worst moments of my life. But even after every mistake, and bump. I am sure to say that I, Dakota Reed, love you." I said and Dylan smiled. This smile was like something I had never seen. It lit up the room. Dylan slowly got closer to me and his lips were suddenly on top of mine.

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