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23 days later

Over the time I've spent with Phil I enjoyed every second.
I glad I got to spend this much time with him after today I won't see him again.
I won't see, hear, feel, taste or smell anything.

"Hey Dan!" Phil came over to me On his desk.
"Hello Phil!" I buzzed
"Is there something wrong? you don't seem like yourself Dan." Phil asks frowning sadly.
I don't say anything.
"Alright then. Hey how about we watch a movie on my laptop?" He asked
"Yeah, alright sure. Anything to spend time with you."
"So this one is called 'Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire' I think out of all the Harry Potter movies this one I like the most." He smiles.
He puts the movie on and I enjoy it.
The movie was over and we talked for a while he showed me his art and his lion and all sorts of human wonders.
"See ya Dan!" Phil says waving as I fly away.
"....Goodbye....Phil." I buzzed to him.
As I fly and went to land on a house roof, and looked up at the night sky where the stars and moon filled it's space.
I started for a while when a shooting star passed by.
"They say if you wish upon a shooting star it will come true........." I closed my eye and thought.
"I wish to be human and live as long as Phil." I preyed
And fell a sleep.

• • •


I woke up not by a buzzing from Dan like usual.
I grabbed my glasses stretching I looked over to my desk.
But I noticed he wasn't there.
"Where could he be?" I asked myself sadly.
So I had a shower and breakfast.
It got to lunch time, Dan still wasn't back.
"Dan where are you?!" I called out into the street a person on the sidewalk looked at me.
I sighed and sat on my bed, soon
A fly landed on my desk I looked over.
"Dan?" I asked but it didn't buzz back at me and it was over on my laptop.

"Your not Dan." I frown and threw myself down on my bed.
I started to feel sad.
"Where is my best friend gone?" My voice cracked, I felt like crying hugging my pillow.
"What if someone killed him?" I thought to myself, which didn't help as I felt something water and smell like salt tickle my cheek as it ran down my face.
I curled up with bit of the pillow to support my head and slowly drifting back to sleep.

• • •


Just like everyday I awoke and went to fly to Phil's house
But instead I go falling and land on the ground.
"Ow! What? Why can't I fly?" I asked myself I felt my back my wings weren't there.
"I've been clipped!" I yelled holding my head.
"Wait!" I looked at where my legs would be but instead it was something else.
"Oh Thank you!" I yell into the sky,
A lady with a dog stops and looks at me then continued on shaking her head like I was some weirdo.
I looked down at the rest of my body.
"What am I?" I questioned.
I have changed.
"I'm no butterfly or moth..."
"Then what am I?" I asked again as I looked at myself.
"Isn't it simply to see? Your a human!" A unfamiliar voice says behind me I turned around to see a little girl standing at a door.
"What? Really? My......M-my wish came true!" I sang out laughing with much joy and the girl joins me.
"Oh oh thank the moon and stars!" I say
"Thank the moon and stars!" She repeated into the sky and we started dancing around the tree in the yard, then I fell hitting the ground face first.
"Ow! I'm still hurting from my fall." I say rubbing my head sitting up.
"Wait here I'll get a bandaid." She says running off inside the house and came back out and placed the bandaid on my forehead.
"Thank you." I smiled at her.
She smiles back and says,
"My name is Ashley-Sky Bound, I'm 8! What's you name?" She sat down with me.
"I'm Dan. Dan Howell, my friend Phil named me."
"What that's silly." She giggles.
"No it's true, he did I used to be a fly and before yesterday I was gonna die, I made a wish on the Stars and moon." I tell her.
"Wow all that just for him......
Mr Dan?" Ashley-Sky asks,
"Yes Miss Ashley-Sky?" I reply as she sat down with me,
"....Do you love your friend Phil?"
"Yes! Yes I do."
"The next time you see him will you tell him...And kiss him?" She continues to question.
"Actually now you say that I will."
I respond.

"Dan where are you?!" I hear a call not far from here.
"Huh that was Phil! Thank you Miss Ashley-Sky I must go, Love calls!" I grin jumping up.
"Ok, remember to tell him and kiss him!" She tells me and hugs me.
"I will!" I hugged back.
"Goodbye!" I wave as I let go and ran down the street.
"Good luck bye!" She waves back with a huge happy grin on her face.

Mr Fly {A PhanFiction} [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now