- That's Drama King To You -

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"Oi, Sexy." Draco called. 

I grabbed his collar, "What was that?" One night of sex and he thinks he can do whatever he feels. 

"Umm, you are much prettier than Pansy Parkinson." 

I smirked, "That's what I thought."

"Bloody hell," Blaise groaned, "Someone should use one of those muggle recorders because I'm never going to say this again, 'Can we just finish this potion sheet already?" 

I nodded and smiled at Draco, "You know, I'm really happy." 

He smirked, "Good. 'Cause I worked pretty damn hard last night to put that smile on your face." 

I smacked his arm, "Shut up you bonehead."

Blaise sighed, "What's the answer to number three?" 

I glanced at the paper. "What's the key ingredient to polyjuice potion?" 


I scoffed, "Is not, It's lacewing flies." 

He turned to me, squishing Blaise between us, "Think you're smarter than me now Granger?" 

I glared at him, "I think I was smarter than you last night." 

He frowned, "I was naked, that doesn't count!" 

"I didn't hear you complaining when I grabbed your-"

Blaise jumped up, "All I want to know is the fucking answer to question number three. Why do you have to do this shit to me everytime. This is why no one wants to be partners with you! I just want to know one bloody answer to this one bloody question, but NO!" Blaise marched off to the corner of the library and pouted like a five year old. 

"What's his problem?"  He asked.

I rolled my eyes, "I stole you from him, probably." I finished the sheet in nearly five minutes, so did Draco, 2% because he knew the answer 98% because he was looking at my paper.

Blaise came over, head hung low, "Can I have the answers now?" 

I shrugged, "You moved." 

Blaise's jaw fell to the ground, "Are you bloody joking?" 

I rolled my eyes, "Blaise you're such a drama queen." 

He glared at me, "That's drama king to you." 

I rolled my eyes.

"You're just jealous of our relationship," I grinned. 

He scoffed, "I most definitely am not jealous. I'm just sick of hearing about it."

Ginny sat next to me, "Hey 'Mione. Mind if I use your notes from class?"

 I threw her the paper, "Thanks," She smirked.

Blaise pointed to me, "You, ma'am are cruel." 

I grinned, "Thank you."

Ginny grinned up at me, pulling out a paper and sliding it across the table to me.

"Hey 'Mione. I've been working on a poem, wanna hear it?" I opened my mouth to respond but Ginny cut me off, "Gryffindors are red, Ravenclaws are blue." She paused and grinned at me, "Draco and Hermione have sex and Harry and Ron have no clue." 

"Ginny Weasley!" I shrieked, my face already red.

 She waved me off, "Oh chill." 

She looked at Draco who was smirking like the idiot he is, "See, he liked it." She pointed out.

I glared at him. 

She sighed, "Mind if I take these to dinner?" She asked, gesturing to the notes.

I nod, "Sure, In fact I was just heading there myself." 

Ginny and I both walked out of the library. Blaise and Draco were behind us and I heard parts of their conversation. 

"-on mate, met me see the answers!" Draco laughed, "Not a chance Zabini." Blaise muttered, "It always happens. Once a girl comes into the picture, the best friend just has to vanish." I rolled my eyes, Drama Queen.


Short but sweet <3

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