Chapter 7: Book 2

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Yukino's eyes widened, and you could barely feel his body tremble on yours. You didn't blame him for his reaction though, you felt the same way.

The air was tense, and Yukino quickly made the effort to get off you. Though Senpai didn't seem to calm down yet.

"Hey, you need to calm down! It was just a joke..", Yukino says, putting his hands up in defence.

"J-just a joke!? Didn't feel like one!"

"No.. This time Yukino, you crossed the line.", Senpai replies, slowly putting his hands to his face. Yukino squinted his eyes in confusion, taking a defensive stance.

"[Y/n]..", Senpai mumbles. You twitch, slowly turning your gaze in his direction. Senpai suddenly tugs you off the bed, causing you to fall to the floor by his feet.

"!?", you slowly tried to get up, but he pushed you back down to the floor.
"Hey! What are you doing!?", Yukino yells, getting the courage to get face to face with Senpai.

Senpai suddenly throws a punch at Yukino that sends him stumbling back. He rubs his cheek, quickly running back for a return punch.
It soon turned into a brawl, the two brothers going at it like two lions fighting for their mate. Sadly, Yukino was no match for his older brother, and was pinned onto the floor, getting beat senselessly.

You quickly grab one of Yukino's shoes that had been placed by his door, and chuck it at the back of Senpai's head.

Senpai suddenly looks at you, holding the back of his head. With tears in your eyes, you throw the other shoe at his face, which he catches.

"L-look at what your doing! Your going to kill him! Your own brother!", you scream, running out of the room.

Senpai blinks, quickly getting off Yukino to catch you. He runs out of the room and grabs your wrist tightly.

"Let go! That hurts..!", you stutter, looking up at him. His hand was messed up from the show down, but he still showed no sign of calming down.

He holds your wrist tighter, glareing at you, the ends of his mouth forming a smirk.
"L-let me go.. Senpai..?", you mumbled, starting to feel weak.

"I'm so tired.. Love is such a pain.. I like it..", Senpai says as his voice sways. You could see his hand reaching for his back pocket, unsheathing his knife.

"What are you going to do with that..!?", you yell, trying to get away.
"I'll make sure me and you can be together forever, don't you want that [y/n]?", he laughs manically, holding the knife up.

"Please don't..! Senpai-!"


You can hear the knife fall to the floor, and your wrist being let go of. You slowly opened your eyes, to see Senpai's shocked face. Tears form in his eyes, as he quickly hugs you.

"I-I'm so sorry [y/n]! I don't know what I was thinking..!", he sobs, holding you tighter. Still a bit scared, you were able to calm down just a bit and take a few deep breaths.

"I think I just saw my life flash before my eyes.. What happened to him..?"

Like I said in the beginning, its always been like this. He was clingy, and over protective. And even occasionally crazy, to the point where he has no control over his actions, and let's the madness consume him.

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