Chapter 6: Hatred

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Hatred took deep breaths. She had to give her spot on the mission to fight this two on one with Tara or Anxiety. She was shocked hearing that the new agent is wanting to fight two agents instead of one. She looked over to Anxiety who looked as if she was really pumped for this. "You seem ready." Hatred said, looking at Anxiety. "I'm always ready. This fight will be a piece of cake. This new agent has nothing on us." She stroke a confident pose and Hatred sighed. "Tara, please don't mess this up. This new agent must have some skill if the Contractor allowed it to fight two agents at once." Anxiety hushed her. "Nah. This person is all talk no game, I'm sure of it. Let me handle it if you're not up to it, alright?" Hatred sighed. "We take it together. Us teaming up can probably win this quickly." Hatred hated having to give her spot on the mission just to do a spar match against some new agent. Hatred didn't know if this new agent is stupid to fight two or this person must be very strong. She sighed. "I have a weird feeling about this." Hatred said. She wished she could've went with Lubbock and had that successful mission under her belt. Anxiety bumped her with her arm. "We'll be fine. Just focus on the fight Sam." Tara smiled at her. She was always good at calming others down. Not as good as Trust of course but not horrible. She just hopes Louis is watching her. She loves it when Louis congratulates her for doing a good job. She can't tell him but she loves him. She remembers her first mission with him. Louis saved her from almost death and ever since then she has been in love with him.

She got out of her daydream when she saw the doors infront of the two start to open. The two walked out to a pretty big sized sparring room. "Well. Here goes nothing Sam." Anxiety said. They both walked forward to there respective spot and stood. Hatred immediately looked up into the spectate room. She looked hard for Louis. She saw Joy, Pity, Love, Anticipation, and Hope. No Louis. She sighed and looked down. She was really hoping for Louis to watch her in her spar against the new agent. Anxiety was jumping side to side, she was pumped and ready. "I'm gonna make this quick." Hatred looked over to Anxiety. "Right. It might be best we don't give the new agent a chance to show any skills."

The two saw another door open and a person in a suit of armor walked out. This new agent looked interesting to Hatred. She couldn't see what gender or what the new agent looked like but Hatred started to feel uneasy about this spar. "Keep calm Sam. We can take whoever this is, I know it." Anxiety said. She seemed calm and ready but Hatred sure wasn't. She just wanted Louis to show her affection for once. She has been the only one attempting anything with him. She quickly shook her thought of Louis when Tara walked infront of her. "Sam, focus. We need to be ready to strike first." Anxiety looked worried. Hatred just nodded. "Right. I need to be ready. Let's do this." Anxiety smiled. "Good. I need my fighting partner ready. We need to beat this person." The two looked over to the new agent. They all heard a mic being turned on. "We go fast and end this fight as quickly as possible. This new agent won't know what hit." The two smiled at the new agent who in return just looked at them calmly.

"Are both sides okay with that?" Anxiety and Hatred looked at each other smirked and nodded, focusing there eyes back to the New agent. The new agent stood calmly and just nodded. "Well let's get this spar underway! 3,2,1 throw down time!" Anxiety and Hatred nodded. "Go!" The two said together. They charged at the New agent. Anxiety leaped ahead and went in for a punch. The new agent quickly reacted moving to the side and catching her punch. Anxiety's eyes went wide. "Sorry, but that was weak." Hatred raised a brow. The voice was deep and it sounded very manly. The person then kicked Anxiety back, making her fall back. She then looked to Hatred. "You gonna do anything?" She asked Hatred. "Sometimes it's best to wait for your foe to move." Hatred said in response. The person charged and threw a couple punches at Hatred. She was able to deflect each blow from it. "So what emotion are you?" The person laughed at Hatred. "I am Agent Sorrow. Now let me beat you quickly so I can go do something worthwhile." Anxiety stood up and nodded to Hatred. Sorrow smirked, it swept her right leg quickly making Hatred drop to the ground, then it roundhouse kicked Anxiety to the ground. "Give up. I am very bored fighting you, where's the challenge in this." Hatred stood up and sighed. "Right, if you so badly want me to surrender. Then fine, I rather go speak to Agent Pain anywho." Hatred raised her hand and yelled. "I give up. Agent Sorrow wins." Hatred could hear a mic being turned on. "Ugh, right. The winner by forfeit is Agent Sorrow." Hatred sighed. She looked over to Anxiety. Amxiety slowly stood up. "W-we could have beaten it." She said exhausted. "Shut up Tara. I'm done here." Hatred turned around and walked off. She hated having to forfeit, she felt embarrassed. She was happy Louis didn't see her get beat. She didn't even look up to the spectate room. She didn't want to see the others looking at her for her failure. She kust hoped that no one gets mad at her for forfeiting, especially Anxiety. She went through the door and walked towards her room. She was too embarrassed to even go speak to Louis. She made a fool of herself infront of her family, as she thought.

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