Chapter 14: Joy

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Love had fixed his focus fixed onto the green suited man. Joy was nervous but excited. He's seen Love fight but never in an actual fight to the death. Love had been one of the big factors in training Joy. "Alright Joy, if we can we try to keep them seperate. They seem like a duo who focus on team combat. Me and you aren't the team up fighters." Love whispered. Joy only nodded. The four combatants got in stances. Love smirked. He had already made the first move. Love was always sneaky. He had these rare gloves that let him control very sharp string with his mind. It was the one weapon he's known for. String busted through the ground. The green soldier quickly back flipped. That was Joy's signal. He quickly charged at the red one while he was shocked at Love's display. Joy ran up and jump kicked into the red soldiers chest. He slid back charging with his sword. The two interlocked into a stall sword fight. Each slash was being blocked by the other. He was wanting to make sure Love was okay but he didn't have time. He was too worried of his own fight. The red soldier had more experience then Joy, so he tried to make the fight fully on skill. Even then Joy was out matched by the Red soldiers power. He smacked Joy's sword with a powerful blow sending Joy's sword to the side. He quickly did a back flip. The red soldier smirked. Joy pulled out two daggers. "Alright. I'll let you have a small victory. But let's see how you deal with me now." Joy said. "Joy you have to be careful! He's strong." It was Agent Hope. She had been watching him. "Don't worry about me! I can handle him!" Joy charged back at the man, but the soldiers was very quick. He grabbed Joy's wrists and he slashed at Joy's right leg. Joy screamed in pain. "Ahhh!" He shouted. The red soldier threw him to the floor. Joy thought this was the end.

"Don't move a muscle." It was a younger man's voice. "Accept your fate to die." He said. Joy's eyes widened. The man drew up his sword, holding it straight above Joy. "Goodbye puny agent." He said. He went to slash down onto Joy. But it never connected with Joy. It connected to Love. He just in tine caught the sword using his hands. "Don't touch my family." Love said, giving the red soldier a nasty stare. "You are so annoying." The soldier replied. Joy knew what to do. He reached for his dagger, then thrusted it into his side. "Gyah!" The soldier scream. Joy yanked the dagger out, forcing the soldier to fall to the ground. The green soldier looked at his fallen ally. "I will kill you for this!" Love looked to Joy. "You okay pal?" Joy could only nod in response. "Thankfully you saved my life." Love smirked. "Of course, that's what family is for." The green soldier shook his head. "I am going to kill you both and the other two." He got back into his stance, staring down Love and Joy. "We will see about that." Joy replied. The three stood for a moment. Each taking a moment to breath and prepare what to do. Love again was the first to move. This time he went into a full out sprint towards the green soldier. "L-Love?" Joy said in confusion. He didn't understand why Love just went into a sprint. The green soldier leaped over Love. He perfectly landed on his feet but had no time to react. Love started turning towards the soldier, lifting his leg. He slammed his foot into the soldiers side. The soldier grunted stumbling back. Joy saw his opportunity. He charged at the man and thrusted his dagger into the man's thigh. He yelped and elbowed Joy in the stomach sending him onto the floor. Joy looked to see Love sending his string out of his gloves. The string we t directly around his throat. "No! You can't do thi-!" The man yelled but was cut short. Love had squeezed his hand into a fist, making the string tighten around the soldiers neck, killing him. Love released his grip, making the soldier fall lifeless on the ground. "Well that took care of them two." Lubbock said smirking. "I never doubted us one bit." Joy said. He was lucky to have Lubbock there. He would have been dead if it hadn't been for him. Joy owed him his life and he would be sure to tell him later. "Alright you two. Acceptance has it planned out. Disgust will be here in exactly 15 minutes." Joy and Love both nodded.

Joy sighed. He really wanted to be the one to guild the object into the ship. He thought that would be very fun. He could only sigh about it. Love came running over. "Bad news. Guards have figured out we are here. We need to get going right-!" Everyone looked towards the entrance as guards came running in. "Put your hands up!" The leader yelled. The team did as so. "Listen here. Don't get too bossy with me." Love said, giving the leader a nasty look. "You are all in serious trouble. For trying to steal Leon Corps property." The leader said, totally ignoring Love. He then pointed his pistol at Loves head. "We kill each of you one at a time. Get on your knees." Love shook his head but did as so. Everyone soon followed. "Well. Good, let's start with you." He pulled back on the pistol putting it against Loves head. Hope was shaking. "Don't do this!" She yelled. Joy teared. "Please. I need to help him. Why can't I die instead." Joy heard a loud shot and then it went black.


Thanks for the read! This is where things get interesting! I can't wait to show yall what's next!

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