Chapter I: The First Domino Falls

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A/N: Not edited.

He was careless like snowflakes as he went with the flow of things, whilst she was uptight; a force of wind that had to be perfect yet no one saw her...or so she thought. Together they were a blizzard wrecking havoc.

It was inevitable to begin with.

A ripple effect of time, like a coin being flipped into a well of once calm water. The water would ripple in small waves once touched. A push of a domino would cause a chain reaction. This is what life was to me; a  domino effect that fate would be put into slow motion, to cause a chain of events to occur one after the other. The last domino would fall back unto the first, and there you would have a quick flashback of your life as it ends. I believed in fate since the young age of seven.

"Throw this coin in that wishing well and make a wish." A dark red headed woman in her early 30's passed the coin to a young girl. She thanked the woman and walked to the wishing well They were visiting France for the long holidays. Eyes closed tightly and nose wrinkled, she whispered under her breath for the coin to hear her wish before throwing it in. A small drop could be heard as the silver coin sank to the bottom, and joined the other coins that had been thrown.

"What did you wish for Arabella?" The woman questioned, as she looked down at the child with a blank face. "To be the best ballerina in the world!" she replied back to her mother ecstatically. "Well darling wishes aren't real so don't believe in them. Ever."  Her mother was as stern as ever along with her father who was in the black Bentley with the driver in the front. Her family were rich. Her father and mother both successful lawyers. 

The driver helped the young pouting daughter into the car. Closing the car door after the mother was seated in the back. "What's wrong with believing?"

"Believing wishes is pointless. You need to work hard otherwise you won't achieve anything. Believing something like that won't get you anywhere. Magic like that doesn't exist. Practice makes perfect darling, so if you want to be the best, then I expect you to push yourself to your limit and to practice. It's better to be organised, professional, intelligent and disciplined." 

17 years old:

Light eyes looking back with dark hair that cascades past her shoulders in waves. "My name is Arabella Maria Johnson," Courtesy, "and I am 17 years old." She ties her hair back into a sleek bun and fixing her make up in the little pieces needed. "I will be performing my own ballet routine to Chopin's Tristesse," She moved her sock covered foot and let her arms flow like a gentle breeze, "and starting position." She whispered.

"Belle, are you ready for this performance of yours?" Her mother called out to her from down stairs. Walking down the marble stairs gracefully and lightly, her mother looked up, eyes sweeping over her daughters clothes ensuring that she was clean and well dressed. Belle's parents were persistent in assuring that their reputation was upheld in the highest of sophistication and respect from those all around us. Although no one really noticed that she was the daughter of two powerful lawyers. 

Her father was outside warming up the Audi Q7, as snow gently fell in the evening sky, landing calmly on the ground. One last look at her hair, adding a couple of sprays of hair spray to keep the hair neat. Her mother wrapped a thick wool coat to cover her body from the harsh coldness of winter. As soon as the door was opened, the frostiness nipped at her nose and cheeks causing them to redden in hopes of regaining the warmth. Her parented were still madly in love as her father reached for her mothers waist and left a kiss on the top of her head, before opening the door for the two important ladies in his life. He walked around and started the car, the gates of the house opening at the end of the long driveway. He held her hand to his mouth before placing their hands in the middle. Even the story of how they fell in love could spark an intense flame, scorching the area when ever the two collided.

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