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"You never had a family, you don't know the pain of losing those bonds! You know nothing about my pain!"

"You are right I don't fully understand your pain, but don't pretend for a moment you know mine!"

Sasuke's eyes narrowed. "What are you talking about, what pain have you suffered that could come even close to mine!"

"You are right, I've never known what it is like to lose the bonds of family. But do you know what it is like to never have those bonds in the first place? Do you know what it is like to be looked down on? Do you know what it is like to be hated by people you did nothing to?"

Sasuke stood silent, what could this loser have on my suffering.

"That's what I thought. The village took pity on you when you lost your family. The village highly regards you because you are the last Uchiha and a protege. The villagers love you and adore you." Naruto stood looking his best friend in the eyes, his red with slits against Sasuke's sharingan.

"And yet, I've been alone since birth, no family, no friends, nothing, and everyone hates me. Parents tell their kids to avoid me. I'm shunned by the people that I try to protect."

"Get to the point Naruto, you are beginning to annoy me!" Sasuke yelled in anger, this loser has the nerve to think he suffered just as much as me?

"You see this red stuff around me?" Sasuke nodded, "That's why people hate me. I have the Nine Tailed Fox sealed inside of me."

Sasuke's eyes widened in shock, "What? That demon is inside of you? Why is this the first time I've heard and seen this?"

"I've never really used this power too much before and the third Hokage forbid anyone from talking about it." Sasuke looked down at his feet thinking about this new information.

"Do you get it now?" Naruto voice was ragged. Sasuke looked back up and saw tears flowing down Naruto's face. "I may not know exactly what your pain is, I can admit that, but I have felt a lot of pain you haven't felt either."

"You don't get it..." Sasuke put his left hand on his right wrist, electricity started jumping from his fingers,"I have to do this!" He yelled with pain in his voice.

"Why Sasuke? We are best friends"

"I have to kill my best friend to get the power to kill Itachi!"

"Lets make a deal Sasuke."

"What kind of deal."

"Do you remember that day on the hospital roof. The day we fought, but we're interrupted."

"Yeah what about it."

Naruto extended an arm and a ball of chakra formed in his hand, spinning at incredible speeds. "Let's finish where we left off. You win you get what you want, your best friend is dead. If I win you come back to the village and we stay best friends."

Sasuke was startled at this, Naruto still wants to be friends after I told him I want to kill him? Sasuke widened his stance, ready to attack. "Fine by me." He grinned at the boy in front of him.

"Alright, LET'S DO THIS!" Naruto and Sasuke jumped and attacked each other at full force.

Time seemed to slow as they got closer. Both with determined looks on their faces. Their ultimate attacks going to collide.

The two attacks met, pushing on each other. Power flowing into the area around them as the energy of the attacks fight for the upper hand. White light began to envelope them. So no people could see them.

Inside the bubble of light and energy something in expected happened.

Naruto suddenly turned off his rasengan moving his arm out of the way.

Before Sasuke knew what was happening his Chidori had gone clean through Naruto's chest. While Sasuke was stunned from stabbing him, Naruto swiped his hand across Sasuke's face. Leaving a deep cut running from above his right eye, down between his eyes, and ended at the cheek bone.

Following the swipe was a powerful kick. A kick that sent Sasuke flying out of the ball of light and hitting the cliff wall so hard part of it collapsed.

Sasuke watched as the rock started to fall and was coming right for him. He tried to move, but the pain was too much for him to move. He closed his eyes, accepting his fate, and the fact he lost to Naruto.

But the impact never came. Instead a strange liquid fell on his head. He opened his eyes to see Naruto looking him dead in the eyes as he held up the boulder that was going to kill Sasuke. Sweat beads covering his face in strain at holing up the rock.

"Why." Was all Sasuke could manage, his body weak and shutting down. The last thing he heard before going unconscious was Naruto's determined voice.

"Because you are my best friend."

Naruto new time was of the essence. He lifted the rock up as high as he could with a yell of power. He threw the rock into the waterfall making it split in two at the bottom.
  Naruto picked up Sasuke with a chakra arm and ran, on all fours, full speed back to the village hidden in the leafs. He was going so fast he was leaving deep hand and foot prints in the ground with the power he ran.

His vision began to blur, but not because of the speed. As he ran he looked down and saw the hole in his chest and the completely blood red jacket. Focus, we need to get to the village and keep Sasuke alive.

Naruto suddenly felt a familiar chakra signature in font of him. He made two more chakra arms and readied them to grab his sensei and his tracker dog.

One moment Kakashi was jumping from tree to tree, trying to catch up to Naruto and Sasuke. The next moment he was surrounded by read light and floating in the direction he came from. He spun around trying to figure out what had happened. Finally he saw what, no who, had got him.

Kakashi's eye widened at the sight of his student in all fours and carrying all these people, running at this speed. He looked and saw Sasuke was unconscious or worse.

"Naruto, what happened." The Jonin said nervously, unsure if Naruto was in control right now.

All Kakashi got in response was his student looking back at him so he could see the tears running down Naruto's face. Kakashi tried his hardest to ignore the eyes he saw.

"Oh no." Was all he could manage to say.

"Hey, Kakashi, don't worry Sasuke is still alive. He is just unconscious." Said Pakkun, his tracking ninja dog. Kakashi sighed in relief and told himself not to jump to such harsh conclusions.

Kakashi looked up and saw they were already approaching the village gates. Naruto blasted through them, leaving a trail of dust to cover the guards there. He jumped from from roof tops and walls at incredible speed.

Naruto suddenly stopped. He set Kakashi and Pakkun down. They were at the hospital. People gasped at the sight of Naruto, his eyes red and with slits, and the red cloak surrounding him. The chakra arm slowly moved Sasuke into his arms as he walked in.

As Naruto walked in the cloak slowly dissipated. Starting at his feet and going up. The nurses and doctors backing away in fear at the sight of him.

As the last of the cloak disappeared from his head and the tail shrunk he stopped walking. "" He fell forward and used the last of his energy to turn so Sasuke landed on him and didn't get hurt more.

After all I did...Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora