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"I need to kill you because you are my best friend."

"Why? Why would you do this?"

"For power."

Blood splattered on Sasuke's face as he looked at his dying friend. His arm punched clean through the blond's chest as he looks him in the eyes. His piercing red eyes cold and unforgiving.

The light slowly fades from the boy's blue eyes as he looks at his killer. His best friend.


Sasuke sits up in his bed, sweat coating his uncovered chest as he pants heavily. His eyes wide in panic and his body shaking in fear.

The Uchiha sits there panting and looking around the room, getting his bearings. As the panic leaves his system, he sighs and flops back down in his bed. He looks tired at the ceiling of his room.

He has had this damned dream every night since he got back to the village. The images of what could have happened flash through his head and haunt him as he sleeps. While they were always different in their own way, they always ended the same.

His arm punched through Naruto and Naruto dies. Blood covering both of them from their hard fought battle.

Sasuke twisted his head and looked out the window. His eyes met with the sun peeking just over the horizon.

"No point in trying to sleep I guess." Sasuke whispers to himself as he gets up, stretching as he stands.

He lets out a groan as he loosens his muscles before his arms flop to his side.

"Odds are that loser didn't sleep. Hell, he might have already left the village." He continues to talk to himself as he gets dressed and heads to the door of his house.

Sasuke turned and began walking down the streets toward Naruto's home.

Why couldn't that idiot just stay at my place or Hinata's until he left? It would be so much easier. He thinks to himself as he remembers what happened the night before.

He acted exactly like he used to. It seemed like nothing happened at all that day. He smiled and had the sparkle in his eyes like he did before I tried to leave. How can that be? Sasuke continued to think as he walked around a corner.

The streets of the village were mostly empty. The noise of  tourism usually didn't start until around mid day. Right now the only people out of their homes were the workers at shops and the early birds.

Sasuke knew this because he was always an early riser. Between training and missions he never really had the time to sleep in or mess around in the mornings. Not to mention he was always working towards his dream.

The dream that almost killed someone.

Come to think of it, the only time he isn't like that is when he is fighting.

Sasuke turned the final corner and was met with the expected sight of a mostly empty street. However, what intrigued him was who was walking ahead of him.

"You're up early, Hinata." Sasuke's voice echoes down the empty road as he picks up his walking pace slightly.

The short haired girl stopped  and her pale eyes looked over her shoulder to see who called her name. When she saw Sasuke she stopped and smiled a little.

"Oh, good morning Sasuke." She gently spoke.

He caught up to her quickly, "Come to see if he has already left too?"

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