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"Stop stepping on my foot."

"I can't help it! You are holding me up weird!"

"Just walk at the same pace as me and keep your feet away from mine."

"Coming from the guy that keeps randomly slowing and speeding up every few feet!"

Hinata let out a small giggle as she walked next to the two arguing friends. She was happy to see Naruto acting more like his normal self. They weren't even half way to Naruto's apartment and there was already trouble brewing between the two bickering friends.

They walked down the streets of the village they call home. Though they are mostly empty at the moment. Many of the people who were at the trial now at home talking about what happened, amongst other things.

The sky was opening up, allowing the slowly falling sun to shine on the village hidden in the leafs. The breeze still floating by, but no longer was it sad and cold. It was carrying a new warmth to everyone it touched.

Anyone who was inside, as the trio passed by, would look out. Anyone that could see them were watching them. Many getting grim looks as they passed by and a few smiling. The smiling few were happy to see Naruto wasn't gone and bitter. He still had happiness and he deserved it.

Anyone on the street would turn and look as well, but many of them tried to act as if they weren't. They would look over their shoulders or pretend to be talking to someone and have their eyes locked on the crew.

Hinata, who could barely handle small groups, started to get nervous at all the eyes trained on them. She looked over and saw Sasuke and Naruto completely unaffected by it, they were just bickering back and forth as usual.

Hinata lowered her head a little and slowed slightly.

Naruto instantly noticed and turns around, "Hey, something wrong Hinata?"

Sasuke and him stop walking and turn fully to look at her.

Hinata blushes and jumps a little, "N-no, I-I." She kept stammering. Her eyes looking around at the people.

Naruto gains a confused look before looking around as well. He sighs as he look around at the people staring at them. He shakes his head, these people need to learn it's rude to stare.

Naruto didn't want to call anyone out since it was too much effort to do that to such a huge crowd.

Naruto smiles kindly, "Hey, Sasuke here is getting tired. Mind if you help us get me back to my place?"

Sasuke gets a confused look, "I'm not-"

Naruto kicks the back of Sasuke's knee so he almost falls to the ground with the both of them, "See? He is practically falling over in the exhaustion. He and I could use your help."

"S-sure, I can h-help." Hinata timidly walks over to them.

Naruto smiles, "Great, now just stand right here," he points to the spot right next to him. He puts his arm on top of Hinata's shoulder," Ok now all you need to do is focus on us and walk in sync with us. Though it might be hard with this idiot walking so weird." Naruto motions his head to Sasuke.

"Hn, whatever." Sasuke knew exactly what Naruto was doing. He was taking her mind off the people looking at them.

Idiot doesn't even realize that her being so close to him, especially shirtless, is going to fry her brain. Sasuke thinks to himself as they start to walk.

Hinata's face is bright red as she tried not to think about Naruto being so close to her. She was watching their feet and keeping her steps at their pace perfectly. She didn't even notice that the crowd was still staring at them as they passed. Her mind was on helping her friends and that was what she was going to do.

After all I did...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें