Chapter Fifty One : Haunted Party (Part-3)

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*Long Chapter*



Her breath hitched and heart skipped a beat. 'Is this real? How can it be?', her mind raced and she looked up for the man before and her eyes widened.

She was kissed.

Kissed by.. wind?

She watched the air before her with utmost interest like she had lost her mind. Rose just got kissed and she remembered, it was a man with black, grey and silver detailed mask who twirled her in his arms, steadied her from falling and lightly brushed his lips on hers like feathers.

Only one can do that.

Only one.

And she know who that is.

He is here. He has to be.

Rose turned quickly when a hand rested on her shoulder to reveal a pale Byron like he had seen a ghost or she had grown two heads. "Were you hallucinating?" He spoke in his hushed tone that was very unclear but it was clear enough for her to understand.

"Huh?" She questioned and tilted her head in confusion. 'Has this man lost his mind?', Rose thought.

"Yes, you were. You stood in the middle of the crowd and pouted. Are you alright?" He patted her arm and placed a hand on her forehead to check if she wasn't feverish.

Rose stopped dead in her tracks and exclaimed, "Excuse me?!" She slapped his hand away and continued, "You, Mister were the one who almost had me eat the floor and I, very well remember someone steadied me and pulled me into his arms for support. I know, it was none other but Henry!"

"You.. You really need counseling. You are losing your-" Byron sighed but was soon cut off, "No, I have not lost my mind, Byron." Rose deadpanned and glared at him back.

"Yes, she is alright. At least that's what I think."

Byron and Rose turned in unison to face a very charmingly smiling Viscardi with the same girl he was before.

"If not, she will be soon. Right, dear?" Viscardi left the girl who had been smiling wickedly and placed a hand on Rose's waist, pulling her close to him. Byron, who had been watching this, had a scowl marked in his face for a millisecond but composed himself somehow. Afterall, he had a soft spot for Rose.

"Right?" Viscardi enforced the word again with a twitched jaw to pull out an answer from Rose.

"Hmm." She hummed lightly and nodded, turning her head away from him when he advanced to place a kiss. "Alright, then." Viscardi pulled back slightly and looked away as though feigning that the kiss that he tried to have never happened.

He pulled out his index finger and pointed at Byron, then swung it in a motion between Rose and him, "Do you two know each other?"

Rose stared at Byron for an answer, who scratched his nape and chuckled a bit, "Uh.. Yes. We have met once." He looked around and picked up the glass of wine when a ghost like servant with the tray passed by.

"Then why is that blush creeping on your face?" Viscardi stoically stared at the profusely blushing Byron which made Rose clutch the sides of her dress tight in nervousness of being caught. Byron suddenly choked on his drink and pushed his hand in pant pocket to pull out his handkerchief but his pocket was empty.

Rose creased her eyebrows at the sight and remembered that earlier, Byron had lended her the handkerchief that belonged to him and she placed it in her skirt pocket along with the letter. She quickly fished out the kerchief, accidently dropping the letter in the process.

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