Chapter 3

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It's finally Friday and I have nothing planned for the weekend except walking the dogs XD so I'll try and put a lot of chapters out, do you even enjoy this story XD cause If nobody does I'll just stop writing it but whatever it's fun for me to do while I'm bored so yay.

Matt's PoV

It's Friday now and Leo hasn't been back in school since Wednesday I hope he's feeling better now, I think I might ask the teacher for his address cause I'm extremely worried about him and he's the only thing that has brought me happiness in years

Its the end of the school day now and I'm heading to the front desk to ask for his address if they'll give it to me anyway I hope they will

"Hello do you know the boy Leo who's just started here, do you know his address" I ask the old woman at the desk

"Hhmm what your name son" she questions me

"It's Matt also please don't call me your son" I say slightly disgusted by her

"Oh so your Matt, Leo's mum left me a note telling me to give you their address if you asked for it here it is" She snaps while scribbling the address on a piece of paper

I quickly snatch it from her hands eager to go see him again, I'm walking down his street now looking at all the door numbers then the number on the paper my eyes eager to finally land on his door number, I can't find it I'm getting agitated now, am I on the wrong street what's going on..?

I stop in my tracks and look down at the paper and read it carefully, I look away from the paper and look carefully at all the doors on the street and realise like an idiot I've passed their house in my excitement

I rush over to their house standing at their door jumping up and down trying to calm myself down

I'm so excited to see Leo again I can't wait, I finally push the doorbell and wait for an answer, the door creaks open and I see a woman I wonder to myself if it's Leo's mum what am I saying of course it is she looks pretty much identical to him

"Hello.... em excuse me who are you" Leo's mum questions me

"I'm Matt... you told the receptionist to give me your address...?" I ask confused but then I realise she's never seen me in her life, I'm such an idiot

"Oh your the boy who helped Leo when he had a panic attack the other day, thank you so much for that, please, please come inside, it's miserable outside today you don't want to be stuck outside any longer son" she says warmly, this time I'm not as pissed as when that old lady called me son, but this woman is really nice and gives of a peaceful warm aura

"Would you like a hot chocolate dear...? it's extremely cold outside today isn't it, just hang your coat up on the back of the door, I'll go fetch Leo while the kettles boiling" she explains as I hang my coat up while wonder why she's being so nice to me, are all parents meant to acted like this...? I question to myself

"Thank you very much for your kindness ma'am!" I say to try to express my gratefulness

I sit at the table tapping my fingers against it agitated that they're talking so long, then realise I'm such an idiot he had a panic attack from his first day of just walking into a classroom me being in his house will be hell fuck I hate myself even more now, I hear footsteps coming from upstairs he finally heading down I can finally see him again....

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