Chapter 6

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Matt's PoV

How am I in our room who brought me up here, it has to be someone I know cause James and Maggie aren't scared hmm, I hear heavy footsteps bounding up the stairs I hear the floorboards creaking outside in the hallway who is it...

"Hello.., how are you feeling..?" The woman questions me I don't recognise who she is at first

I realise she's the police woman who lives in the next block of houses, no fuck no she's going to call the social services fuck we are going to get split up its only natural they're five and I'm 16 nobody's gonna want to adopt me or even just foster my ass like look at me

"Son by the look on your face you realise I'm going to have to call them, I didn't do it sooner cause you where unconscious and I knew it wasn't serious enough to have to go to hospital, and I thought you would want to be awake for this" she explains while crouching down in front of me, fuck this bastard she's feeling pity for us, I grab James and Maggie and pull each of them under one of my arms

"I realise but are they going to split us up..?" I question trying to sound as confident as possible

"I don't know.., I'm sorry" she sighs, fuck why does everyone pity us we don't have it that bad it's just abuse I'm use to it

"Okay, well hurry up and get it over with I don't want to wait any longer so I can just dread more on it" I mumble out my voice trembling

She's left downstairs now fuck I hope we will at least go to the same care home so I can see if they go to good homes and if they don't get treated bad, I need to pack the stuff we need to take calm down, relax breath act happy for the twins be happy calm

"Guys you want to grab your backpacks we are going on a trip!" I say as enthusiastic as possible, they rush over and grab their backpacks, James is green and Maggie's is purple we don't have any branded kind, I go and grab the only suitcase we have from under my bed it should be big enough right..?

I pack everything I think we will need in it all our newest and cleanest clothes, knickers, boxers, socks, etc, I pack our extra pair of shoes we haven't wore yet cause our one we have now are getting worn down, I shove a photo album in that's just photos of us and mum, I think I have everything we will need now to help them pick their stuff they want to keep as keepsakes, we should get some new stuff at the care home but you never know some are horrible places

"Guys okay so go pick stuff you want to take toys, teddies anything you want no food items though" I explain trying to keep my enthusiasm up, they rush around the room grabbing they're toys and teddies I grab my backpack and shove in my only teddy I have which is a leopard I got of my mum when I was a baby, I also remember to grab my wallet and hide it in my secret compartment of my backpack, We might need it later, I have nothing else to put in no phone, no nothing, I guess I can help the twins by putting their stuff in mine

We've finished packing now and are waiting in the living room for social services to get here, James and Maggie are excited I'm glad they aren't worrying but I don't think they realise we might get spilt up.....,

They've arrived, I don't think you will want to hear all about the things I had to talk to them about, we are in they're minibus now it seems we are going to the same care home for now at least, We are showed where we will be staying it seems okay.. I guess, We are all staying in the same room which is good I can look out for them easily now, the twins are getting worried now since we are unpacking everything they're crying they want to go home.... I want to cry too, I want to go home too, but I can't cry cause I need to act responsibly for James and Maggie I need to stay strong

We have to sleep now there's a curfew here it's hell, I want to sneak out and find Leo, I hear the floor creaking then two little body's crawl into my bed and each hug me a whimper into my chest getting snot all over my pjs ughh gross but they're sad and scared cause they've never lived anywhere else except from with dad and his abuse

"It'll be okay someone will want to adopt you since your so cute" I whisper warmly as I pull them both into an embrace, I hope they don't realise if they do get adopted it won't be with me most likely but let's not tell them that now since they're calming down



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