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Based on the pounding in my skull, the hard surface beneath me, and the receding darkness at the edges of my conciousness, I safely made the deduction that I had passed out. I wasn't quite sure how I got back on the ship, but someone must have carried me up.

I coughed up a bit of water as I sat up, clutching my head. I then realized I still had a tail, so I closed my eyes and let it transform.

Once I was in human form again, I subconsciously reached for the medallion around my neck. My eyes snapped open when I didn't feel it.

Fearing I had lost it in the ocean, I began to search around me. It could just be lying on the deck or something.

When my eyes began to search farther, I realized something that made my stomach sink.

I was not aboard the Black Ness.

The dull thud of approaching footsteps made me turn my head. My throat went dry at the sight of him.

Part of me hoped this was just a dream, so that I could just wake up and forget about the man who stood before me. What was he even doing here?

"Did you miss me?" Phineas Grayne smirked down at me, leaning forward ever so slightly to get a good look at me. The action made something on his chest swing forward. Something small. Something gold. Something...

"You bastard," I growled and shot him my best glare. "Give that back!"

"What? This?" he asked as he pulled the medallion away from his chest to look at it. He let it fall back to his chest with a smirk. "I don't think so."

"Give it to me, Phineas!" I practically snarled.

"Why?" he spat. "So you can save your little lover boy?"

"I had to touch a dead body for that," I said, avoiding the question.

"Maybe we can arrange for another, then," he growled as he reached down, grabbed a fist full of my shirt, and yanked me roughly to my feet.

"Is it yours?" I sassed.

Phineas only chuckled darkly. Without much warning, he spun me around, pulled me flush against his chest, and held a dagger to my throat. Then he whispered in my ear, "You'd be wise not to struggle."

From here, I could clearly see another ship coming up alongside us.

It wasn't the Black Ness either.

"Do you recognize it?" his breath fanned against my ear. I shivered in disgust. "It is to my understanding you spent quite some time aboard her."

"Bastard," I muttered again as I looked out at the Marauder's Phoenix. "Why are you doing this?"

"Why does anyone do anything?" he asked philosophically.

"Enlighten me," I said through gritted teeth.

"Revenge," he whispered in my ear with a smirk plastered on his face, "They always choose him, Neptune's golden boy. Given the choice, they choose him. Every. Single. Time. I'm sick of it."

"What are you talking about?"

"You chose him. My family chose him. My own father barely notices my existence because of him!"

"I-I don't understand," I was becoming more and more afraid as he continued to speak.

"Jeremiah Jackson isn't the only son of Neptune," he growled lowly.

"Wh-what?" my eyes widened in disbelief. "I thought you said your father was the brother of-"

"That's my adoptive family, darling. Jeremiah was raised by a pirate, and I was raised by mermaid nobility."


He smirked and breathed against the skin of my neck as he answered my unspoken question.

"You're going to help me get revenge on my dearest brother."


Two ships against one hardly seemed fair, especially since most of the Phoenix's crew hated both Jay and I with a passion. I wondered briefly about Thomas, Liam, and Rose. I hoped they were alright. Maybe the children were home safely by now. I was sure Thomas had been taking good care of them.

I also wondered if there was anybody aboard that was still loyal to their old captain. If there was, I hoped they would make themselves known in the upcoming battle.

Phineas had bound my hands and feet so that, even if I somehow managed to get away from him, I wouldn't be able to get very far on my own. It sucked.

I decided that, if I was going to be stuck here for a while, I might as well get some more information from him. He seemed open to venting his problems.

"Why doesn't Neptune notice you?" I put as much confusion and concern into my voice as possible.

Phineas turned his head to look at me with hard eyes. After a few moments, he did give me an answer.

"He's a god. I did not inherit any of his godly qualities, so he is not interested in me as a son."

"That's sad," I tried to sympathize with him, hoping to gain myself a little mercy. In truth though, I thought he was bat shit crazy. I mean, sure, he had his reasons, but that doesn't mean you hunt down your brother just because you're not the favorite child.

I sighed and looked out in the direction we were sailing. We would soon round into the bay where the Black Ness was anchored.

I was worried for them. Jay, Uncle Paul, the rest of the crew. This wasn't their fight. Yet they were about to be ambushed by not one, but two revenge seeking pirate ships.

"You know, I've hit some rough patches with my father," I said out of nowhere. "We could go weeks without talking to each other simply because we were both too stubborn to admit that we were wrong. It was only when one of us sucked it up and talked to the other that things got better. Perhaps you should speak with Neptune, and with Jay. I doubt he even knows who his real father is."

Finn shook his head as the Black Ness came into view, "They will not listen."

"They might," I tried again to get him to rethink this whole ordeal.

His lips just tugged into an evil smirk as his tone became darker.

"They will," he told me, "after this."



Hey guys! Another Saturday is here again!

Did you expect it to be Finn?

Did you expect his reasons for revenge?

What do you think his plan is? And how is Elizabeth going to 'help' him?

Thanks for the read!

Vote. Comment. Stay tuned.


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