Chapter 12 - Simple Bickers and Food Fights

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I think the expression of whenever it rains, a rainbow will follow is true. It is because the fight that I had with Austin is like the rain, it's dark and teary. But after we finally get to patch things up, we're back to being friendly which can symbolize the rainbow. I know that befriending someone who you like is dangerous as it is because you may end up hurting in the end but what if, this is the cure of getting over him? What if the more I get to know him, I'll find the things that I won't like him in a fancy way and will make me get over him sooner than I thought I'd be?

"So now that we're finally done talking, you should go back to school now." I stand up from the couch and faced him.

He looks displease, he don't seem to like the idea of going back to school. "You're kidding me right?"

"Nope," I open the front door, signaling him to leave, "You may now go back to school and I'll get back to my marathon of movie watching and eating a bucket of ice cream." That is the best thing that I can do right now, especially to get things out of my head, particularly, Austin Prince.

"I can't go back now." He crosses his arms against his chest, "It's like one o' clock already, lunch break is over and if I head back, I'll probably get another detention slip." He places his feet on the coffee table, "I'm trying to stay away from detention if you want me to inform you."

"Then why are you here if you don't want to get in detention?" I challenged, forming a smirk on my lips. I know why he's here, I just want to annoy him so that he could leave.

"You're seriously asking me that right now?" He asks, irritated. He breathes heavily, "Have you eaten?" He changes the topic and dragged his body out of the couch.

"Ice cream." I plainly said, "Why are you asking?"

"I want to eat. And it looks like you haven't eaten too." He stretches his arms upward and started walking towards our kitchen.

What is this guy planning to do? Does he even know how to cook? Because I know that I don't.

I close the front door and followed him in the kitchen. He is currently standing in the fridge, looking for something to cook. My mom always stack the fridge with lots of food because she loves cooking and baking. But believe me, it's only mom and Elliot knows how to cook. Me and dad? A big fat no.

"Are you going to cook lunch for us?" I sit at the counter, looking at him as he fish his hands inside the freezer, "Because I don't want our house to catch fire."

He glances at me with a smirk on his lips, "Seriously?" He chuckles, "Well, you'll help so I'm confident that there's no house fire involved."

"No way," I shake my head in disagreement, "I'm not a cook and holding a frying pan is already difficult for me."

"What?" He raises an eyebrow, "But your brother is good at it, and I thought you were too." He exhales, "Guess you're not that twinsee after all." He teases.

"I'll take that as a compliment." I ushered towards him and stare at what he was getting from the fridge, "Why don't you just order pizza?"

"Because that will take too long." He took the nuggets, bacon and eggs and places it on the counter, seems like he's too hungry. But just staring at those three ingredients makes me want to set ice cream aside and eat this delicious things instead. "Do you have any potatoes?"

"What for?"

"Mashed potatoes." He informed.

I took the potatoes where Mom hides it and place it beside the goods that he took.

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