Chapter 34 - I Want To Be His

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I woke up in the sound of my alarm clock ringing non-stop. I wasn't happy about waking up because I still have school today. The thought of having to realize that I still have school makes me want to imagine of having to finish high school and to graduate.

I took my phone to check any new messages until I finally realized that today is Friday, all I can feel right now is excitement. Friday is the day that I've been waiting for since days ago.

Not because it's Friday and tomorrow is Saturday in which there will be no classes tomorrow but it is more to that.

Today I have a date with Austin and I can't think of anything else but only about what is going to happen later.

I can't process anything in my mind right now. All I can think about is later and I can't wait any longer.

"Ellie, we're going to be late, aren't you ready yet?" Elliot's voice is heard behind my bedroom door. I was a bit startled and a bit amazed that my brother was able to wake up early than me. I used to be the one who always woke him up in the morning and now, it's a bit weird to think that he's early than me.

I check on my phone to see what time is it and I was surprised that it's already six forty three in the morning. I only have a couple of minutes left to get ready or else we're going to be late.

"I'll be down in a minute." I hollered.

I shouldn't be thinking about the date right now, we still have school and having to think or imagine what is going to happen later is clouding my mind that I can't even do what I'm supposed to be doing such as getting ready for school.


"It's six fifty three and you just got out from your room." Elliot said the moment I stepped out of my room. I didn't check on the time but I did everything in a fast phase.

"I woke up late." I said plainly as I place my bag on my shoulder.

"That's so unusual of you." He joked. It's so unusual and he doesn't need to tease me about it.

I rolled my eyes in irritation, "You're not helping."

Elliot handed me a sandwich placed on a small container and I'm guessing this is my breakfast because if I decided to eat downstairs, we're going to be late.

"Thanks." I sigh as I realize that a mere sandwich won't get me full but it's my fault for waking up late so I should just accept the food and be grateful that my brother even decided to make me one.

"We're heading out Suzy." Elliot hollers the moment we reach the door.

"Take care you two!" She shouted as she was still in the kitchen.

"Thank you!" I shouted back and I was a bit confused as to why she only addressed Elliot and I when Austin is with us.

"If you're wondering if it is only the two of us, Austin already left." Elliot informs as he opens the passenger seat for me to enter the vehicle.

That was unusual and a bit confusing.

"Why?" That's first thing that I want to ask Elliot. Why did Austin decided to go to school early and to go there without us? We're not in a cat-dog relationship so I don't get why he went to school earlier without us.

"I don't know honestly." Elliot shrug his shoulder. He didn't came up with any information and started the engine completely ignoring me.

Something is up and I can't point out what.

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