-Chapter 13-

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Morning came, a streak of sun intruded his eyelids and slowly, Ezra blinked them open, expecting to wake up in the cell of his usual room. The Infected would be screaming for food, and marring the wall with one hand of fingernails. 

However, he awoke with a start as he noticed the earthy tones in the small bed-room, though it was still larger than his own. 

He looked around with a panicked gaze before remembering the previous nights events. 

He'd saved her once more, had discussed everything with her, and yet..he still felt no regret. No worry. No shame. 

He stood and pulled his cloaked over him, fastening the button and pulling his arms through the long and overly-large sleeves before swiftly grabbing the two bowie knives beneath the pillow. Paranoia was still deep set within his brain, and he knew, he would never out-grow it. 

He pushed them into their holsters and left the bedroom, pulling the hood over his head quickly. The smell of something sweet filled his nose and walked curiously through the quiet hall filled with small pictures of happy faces from the family. This setting was very unfamiliar to him, and a feeling of anxiety set in. 

He heard the low mummbles of chitter chatter and then some angry words were sharply thrown before he entered nervously. Standing almost dumbly in the uncomfortable setting. 

"Leave him alone." Tahlia whispered before turning and grabbing the plate of pancakes lying on the countertop. 

"Thank you, very much, for allowing me to stay here. I owe you greatly." 

"You saved my daughter. I believe I owe you my life." A gruff voice sounded from the table where the man from the previous night sat, Tahlia's father. 

Ezra bowed slightly and made his way towards the door. 

"No, come, come, Ezra darling. Eat some breakfast before you leave." Tahlia's mother, Marie, quickly interjected half way through Ezra reaching the door. 

Ezra turned and blinked cautiously before making his way towards the table, "Alright. Thank you." 

Marie set a plate of pancakes in front of him and Ezra looked at them strangely for a moment. Of course he had seen them at the dining hall, but he'd never tried them. Especially not with this strange liquid poored onto them. 

He cut it with his fork and pushed the warm food into his mouth. 

It was delicious. 

"They're pancakes." Marie said with a smile spreading across her middle-aged face. 

"They're very good." Ezra replied quickly before Marie cleared her throat, "Ezra, have you heard of The Infected Festival?" 

Tahlia gasped, "Mother, we agreed.." She bit quickly, her tongue practically spitting venom. 

Her mother smiled but slowly it turned into a frown when everyone remained silent. 

"I've heard of it, yes." Ezra finally responded carefully, looking at Tahlia's face. It looked just as it did the previous night when they were surrounded by the millions of lanterns. 

"Mother, stop this. Ezra doesn't want to take me, this embarassing." 

Ezra's head snapped up. What had become of him now, when his mind screamed to take this chance. The first thing that should have came to mind was to tell her she was wrong and wanted to go in order to investigate The Village. Find it's weak points and report back to red Hood. 

However, the first thing he thought of, was standing there beside here in the firelight at night, looking deeply within her aqua eyes. 

What was this feeling he couldn't contain? He'd never felt it before and when he turned his head up, Tahlia's face went a beat red as she looked quietly down at her pancakes. 

"Ezra, you are the first boy that Tahlia has ever taken any interest to and-" 

"I will gladly take your daughter to The Festival." Ezra interrupted quickly, his voice soft yet monotone as he looked quietly at the surprised face of the village girl in front of him, her red face growing a softer shade of pale. 

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