Chapter 3

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It was Ryder, he was the one who had come through the door and he was the one currently beating the crap out of three guys. He had to be a some sort of divinity from the heavens above, he could take on three guys and not one of them landed a single punch on him.

"Did you hurt her?" Ryder asked, forcing the man below him to look at me. Then Ryder looked up at me as well and those enchanting eyes caught my gaze, "Did he hurt you?"

But when Ryder saw the tears streaming down my face, I saw his jaw lock. He looked down at the man grabbed him by the throat and began squeezing. I saw the veins on his arms pop out as they strained, the man's face underneath him started to turn purple. Ryder either didn't notice or didn't care, "You worthless piece of scum. You better hope I don't ever see you again or I won't let you off so easily."

Then Ryder threw him onto the floor and kicked him in the side for good measure. Ryder stood up, straightened his shirt while taking a long breath, then he turned back to me. He was wearing a pair of washed out jeans and a red t-shirt, both pieces of clothing covering the rock solid muscles I had seen only an hour ago. His messy hair had been brushed threw but still looked like he had just rolled out of bed, a look that totally worked for him.

He walked to my side and offered me his hand, his arm muscles bulging from under his shirt, but I shied away from it. He had just saved our lives no doubt, but had also just beaten three guys into unconsciousness. That made him dangerous. And from what I've heard through the grapevine at school, once Ryder set his sights on some, whether it be a victim or a girlfriend, he didn't let them get away until he got what he wanted.

"It's okay, they can't hurt you now." Ryder spoke softly, reaching his hand out just a little further. This side of Ryder was completely different from how he acted at school. In class, he was cold and distant, wearing the same surreal countenance everywhere he went. But here as he stood in front of me, he looked thoughtful and placid. Which side was the real side of Ryder Cleminton?

When I didn't reach for Ryder's hand, Brooklyn stepped between us and helped me back onto my feet.

"Are you okay, baby?" She asked, cupping my face in her hands. I nodded and she smiled in relief, hugging me tightly. I felt my heart slowing within my chest at her comforting embrace.

"Are both you girls alright?" Ryder asked from in front of us. Brooklyn pulled away, I tried not to loose myself in his eyes but it was so hard not to.

Brooklyn nodded, "We're fine. We had everything under control."

Ryder laughed, he actually laughed, "Yeah. I could tell by the way you just happened to let those guys nearly kill you."

"Ooo, you got me. Great job." Brooklyn replied sarcastically, stomping over to her pile of things on the floor and began filling her arms with them.

I shakily walked over to where her purse had been carelessly tossed on the floor. But when I reached down to grab it, another hand snatched it before I could. Ryder stood before me, tall and muscular just as he always was. And now he was wearing a gentle smile, one I had never imagined a man such as Ryder to ever wear. Why was he being so nice to me?

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked me again, his eyes locked intently on mine.

His stare was too intense, I had to look away. But I nodded to let him know I was fine, even though I wasn't. This little event of tonight was probably going to provide months of nightmares along with the ones I already dealt with. I wasn't going to get any sleep for a long time.

"Can I have that please?" Brooklyn cut in, hastily grabbing the purse from Ryder and shoving her things back into it. He didn't move from his spot in front of me, and I felt his eyes searing into me the whole time Brooklyn was struggling with her purse. When she was finally done, she took hold of my arm and held her head high in front of Ryder, "Thanks for your help but we should really be going."

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