Chapter 4

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After getting a good start the next morning they traveled all day. While still in the surrounding wood around the city they stopped.

William turned to look at his companion. "Tell me the plan, Rowen."

She sighed but repeated the words that he had told her several times already. "Since it does not make sense for a maid to have a horse, you shall take mine with you. You shall travel to Grianan of Aileach, the impressive stone fort between Lough Swilly and the River Foyle. My horse shall pull your merchant's cart and you shall ride your own. In one week's time, we shall meet at the inn at which we had our meal. If the other is not there we shall assume the worst and try to find out what happened to the other and if we can help them."

William interrupted, "Rowen, if I am not there, go back to England."

"William, if you think for one second I would go to safety while one of my comrades might be in danger you truly do not know me."

He sighed. "Well, I wish you the best."

"And to you as well, God's speed, Will."

"God's speed." She dismounted and handed her reins to him and he left the way he came, headed north.

It was only a short walk to Clontarf. When Rowen reached it, she melted in with everyone else, subtly eavesdropping on people. There were several useless conversations containing the increase in the price of eggs and how someone's gout was getting worse. But then she saw two girls, seventeen and eighteen, giggling. Rowen soon listened to their discussion.

"Oh my, I canna begin to describe how handsome he be!"

"And strong too!" the other added with a giggle. Rowen was about to move on when the next sentence stopped her. "And how he speaks of England! As if it be only an ant to be crushed!" They were talking about her troublemaker. Rowen edged nearer, so focused on listening she didn't see the young man until she ran into him.

She let out a barely Irish "Oh!" The contents of her basket dumped on the ground. She gathered herself and apologized, "Sir, I be begging your pardon, for me clumsiness."

"I be thinking the blame be partly mine. I should of seen you." He picked up her things and handed them to her.

"Why, sir, I hope you can forgive me."

"Course, I can. Ah, and you must not call me, sir, I only be fifteen."

Rowen smiled, well aware of how pretty she looked. "Well, I be wondering if you might do me one more favor."


She smiled again. "Could you by chance tell where the famous Boru be?"

"Oh." His face fell. "Everyone seems to wanna know where he be. You know he canna be the same man that freed Clontarf from the Vikings?"

"I just wanna see the man everyone be going on about."

The boy shrugged. "They say he will be in the town square tomorrow evening."

She rewarded him with another smile. A twinge of guilt touched her as she thought of how she was using the boy. "Well, I should be off. Me mistress shall look for me if I do not get back soon. Farewell, and me apologies again!"

He waved her apology away and watched her until she was out of sight. Little did Rowen know that it was the first of many hearts that she would break.

A day had passed and the time came for the speaker's appearance. He didn't disappoint. A man appeared on the horizon pushing a black horse to its limits. It soon was in the crowded streets. Rowen rolled her eyes as he cued his horse to rear right in town square. He leaped off the sweating horse, cape swirling around him. Rowen had to admit there was something that was attractive about him. Confidence flowed off him. He wasn't terrible old either, only in his late twenties. He had an eloquence around him that drew the people toward him. His naturally loud, clear voice helped him deliver his message.

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