Chapter 15

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As they rode, Donngal pointed out landmarks. There was a large rock off to their left. It had an interesting reddish hue to it, almost the color of wet clay. Ivy vines crept over it like long green snakes curled on its surface. Like a crown, a circle of white flowers grew around the top of it. Their petals were pointed up to soak in the rays of their life source; light.

"See, me lady, that be Thieves' Stone."

"Why be it called that?"

"Well, it be no ordinary rock, me lady. Beneath all that ivy be an entrance into its center. Long ago, a band of robbers stayed there. They would emerge from the stone and steal from the shocked people that traveled this path. Eventually, they were caught and brought to justice, but they will always be remembered, for ever after that this rock be called Thieves' Stone."

"An entrance to the inside, you say? It be hollow then?"

"Aye, me lady. Would like to see for yourself? I know the way in."

"I..." she paused. She knew that to go in an unfamiliar place with someone she didn't trust would be folly. But her curiosity urged her to consent.

"Lady Orlaith? What be your choice?"

"I be afraid we must make all haste to the army."

"As you wish, me lady." For awhile, they rode in silence until they passed a great oak that had been struck by lightning.

On seeing it, Donngal commented, "Look, me lady, there stands a symbol of one of the greatest storms in Maverick history and a reminder of the folly of love. For many days, it poured rain so that the very path we ride on had become a river. Now, many years ago there was a fair maiden who lived in a village beyond the meadow we be riding to. This maiden had fallen in love with a man, from the main town of Mavericks, the place we just left. He, too, was smitten with this girl. For several days, because of the rain, they were unable to visit each other as had been their custom. On the worst night of the storm, the man could bear the separation no longer and took his horse and tried to make the ride between the two villages. The people who saw him leave begged him to be reasonable, but he was past reason and didna head their warnings. When the storm had passed, they found him and his horse, dead. Since no one was there, we dona know for sure what happened. But many people think that when lightning stuck that oak, he was near it and his horse spooked causing him to fall off of it. Because of the cold and the rain, with no horse, he soon perished. You see, the horse was found farther south from here, that be why they think he must have been thrown from his mount."

"And what of the maiden? What happened to her?"

He shrugged. "I suspect she died of grief, for that be how such stories usually go." As he finished speaking the came to a small river, barely bigger than a large stream. "Lady Orlaith, dona be lulled into believing this be a calm lil' river. Do you see these two stones on this side of the bank and the ones opposite?"

"Aye, I do, what of them?"

"You must always make sure you be in between them when you cross."

"But why?"

"All down this river there be treacherous spots of sand that can swallow both horse and rider without leaving a trace of them behind. Some time back, large amounts of rocks were put into this spot. The sand sucked them in until it could hold no more and the people had a safe place to cross." After they crossed the stream, Rowen's back tingled and dread settled over her. She had learned long ago not to dismiss her feelings. They were usually right and could end up saving her life. She pulled Heather to stop, eyes sweeping the area around her.

Donngal noticed her change and said, "Be there something amiss, me lady?"

"I dona know, something feels off." What if it was Donngal? He could have planned an ambush. She drew comfort from the sword at her side. If there was an enemy out there she wouldn't go down without a fight. A twig snapped to her right. Rowen slipped of Heather, putting her mount between her and the sounds. With the bright red cloak she was wearing, she was an easy targets sitting on top of her horse. Senses alert, Rowen could hear the sounds of someone, in fact, two people coming nearer. She held her breath so as to not miss a noise. With a soft whisper of metal on metal, she drew her sword and stepped around her horse. A moment passed and two grim looking men burst from the underbrush. They both rushed toward her, swords drawn. She moved to the side, letting one trip over her foot. Spinning, she faced the other. She stabbed at his right side of his torso. He went to block it, but hesitated a split second as he realized he was leaving his left arm exposed. Her sword twisted around to the left. He stumbled back a step, trying to defend himself. Off-balance, he pin-wheeled his arms. Rowen dodged his flailing sword, crossed behind him, then held her blade to his throat. The other men had just recovered from his fall and was scrambling to his feet, but Rowen's voice froze him.

"Dona move, unless you dona value your companion's life."

Donngal cleared his throat. "Ah, me lady? These men be part of your army." She dropped her sword like the hilt had become red-hot.

She faced the two men. "I be begging your pardon, good sirs, I didna know who you be. I thought you might be robbers. Be you feeling alright?" The one she had tripped rubbed his head where a bruise was already sending forth streaks of angry red. He had hit it on a rock as he had landed from his fall.

The other man looked at her, then Donngal. "I dona understand, Lord Donngal. Why be this person wearing your cloak and sword?"

Her cousin looked at her. "Do you wanna explain it or shall I?"

She picked up her sword and sheathed it. "I be thinking it might be better coming from you."

"Very well, me lady. You two, listen to what I be saying, for it be well worth hearing. The woman who stands in front of you be me cousin. For twenty-two years, we thought she was dead. But she has returned. The right to rule the Mavericks belongs to her. I present to you, Lady Orlaith." Both bowed, though they still had confused expressions.

Rowen whirled to face her relative. "Why didna you tell me who they be?"

He shrugged, the beginnings of a smirk teasing his lips. "I didna expect it. I thought if we be noticed by scouts they would recognize me even without me cloak and sword. But when they saw someone else wearing it, they assumed you were a thief and paid no attention to me. When they actually attacked it all happened so fast. There wasna time for me to tell you who they truly be before it was over. But I must say I be very impressed with way you handled your sword. How did you learn such a skill? Perhaps it be different in England, but here on the Emerald Isle women dona sword-fight."

"I be flattered that you think I have some skill with the sword."

"But you be avoiding me question; how do you possess such a talent?"

She smiled at him and said with a sweet voice, "Donngal, a ruler doesna need to answer their subject's questions. Now, how far be it to the army?"

Donngal didn't even have a chance to refuse to answer, because one of the scouts said, "Only five minutes ride from here, me lady. We came from the camp on foot."

"I see, thank you."  

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