Come and Play

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Amelia sighed as Sherlock’s phone alerted the two of them as John had still not returned. Amelia lowered Hamlet, rolling her eyes. She’d only just gotten Sherlock to behave by begging Molly to come over with some new slides for Sherlock. “I’ll get it, shall I?” Amelia said tetchily, reluctantly getting up to Sherlock’s phone and picking it up. She paled as she checked the message, her annoyed expression turning to one of horror and shock.

She walked over to Sherlock, holding it out to him. “Here.” She said, trying to contain her nervous stutter.

“Not now,” He said, not looking up from the slide, “I’m busy.”

“Sherlock…” Amelia sighed pleadingly.

“Not now.”

Her breath coming in pants, she said, “He’s back.”

Sherlock looked up in shock, taking the phone from her.

Come and play.

Tower Hill.

Jim Moriarty x

Sherlock’s eyes widened, leaning back into his chair. His eyes flicked up to Amelia’s worried silver ones, “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.” Amelia said quietly, not bothering to fight Sherlock as he pulled her into his lap, blinking back her tears.


Amelia folded her arms over her chest, frowning down at the computer screen as she watched the CCTV footage of Jim on the computer screen; her eyes on Moriarty as he stuck the gum onto the glass, pressing something into the sugary treat soon after.

“That glass is tougher than anything.” Lestrade remarked.

“Not tougher than crystallised carbon.” Amelia murmured, “He used a diamond.” She moved Lestrade out of the way, changing the footage so it played backwards; the glass flying back into the frame so the trio could read the message Moriarty had scrawled there.


“I told you.” Amelia said quietly, her eyes flicking to Sherlock.

“Told him what?” John said, looking at the space between his sister and Sherlock. “What’d you tell him?”

“I told him that Moriarty wouldn’t leave me alone, not after he’s gotten this far in his game.” Amelia said, “You do realize if we take the case, there’s no going back.”

“Believe me,” said Sherlock, “I’m counting on it.”


Amelia adjusted her outfit nervously, fretting with her 1920’s style hair. She’d used nearly half a bottle of hairspray to keep her hair in place, and was quite worried that it’d fall out during Moriarty’s trial which the trio would soon be attending.

She looked into the mirror hung in 221B’s living room, trying to reassure herself that everything’d be fine. Amelia wore one of Sherlock’s dress shirts and a pair of pressed black pants, while John wore a suit and was still tying his tie along with a pair of skinny jeans. Sherlock tossed Amelia her coat, still buttoning up his own as he led them downstairs.

“Ready?” John asked.

Amelia sighed heavily, “Yeah. I suppose so.”

“Yes.” Sherlock said, containing a smile at Amelia’s comment.

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