A Force To Be Reckoned With

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~One week later~

John wasn’t entirely comfortable with leaving Sherlock and Amelia at home, especially since the two were now officially engaged which he wasn’t sure he was comfortable with either. John shook his head, walking to a nearby NatWest cashpoint machine, inserting his card. Both Amelia and Sherlock were most certainly a millionaires but neither of them would give John the money for the weekly groceries.

John typed in his PIN, a number Sherlock had chosen as none of the number John had chosen were “safe” enough. He pursed his lips as he selected transaction, waiting for it to load then startled when a message appeared on the screen, the lines appearing one by one.

There is a problem with
your card
Please wait

John grimaced in impatience, a new message taking place of the old one.

Thank you for
your patience…


John frowned at the cryptic message, containing a groan as a car sidled up behind him. Briefly, the thought of Irene sending a car to get him and how John had gotten in willingly crossed his mind. John shook off all uncertainty, looking back at the ATM before sliding into the car.


“Sherlock?” Amelia said, walking into the living room to find her fiancé frantically searching through the flat, tossing things behind him carelessly like a whirlwind had come through. “What are you doing?” Amelia cocked her eyebrow, eyeing Sherlock with mild interest.

John had casually—Amelia begged to differ—pointed out the similarities between Amelia and Sherlock interest for everything and anything. However, Amelia thought that Sherlock saw the world’s challenges as a game that had to be finished while Amelia wanted to find out how things worked—or when she was dealing with people, ticked.

Amelia shook the passing thought from her head, waiting for Sherlock’s answer. When none came, she loudly cleared her throat, Sherlock spinning around to face her with an angry look.

“What?” He barked snippily.

“Hi, Sherlock, nice to see you too.” Amelia said sarcastically with her lips pursed, rolling her eyes slightly. “I said: what are you doing?”

“Mrs. Hudson took my skull.” Sherlock said, pouting like a child as he lifted various items up to search for them. “Have you seen it?”

Amelia gave him no reply and walked to the kitchen, opening the fridge and pulling Sherlock’s skull out of the fridge’s vegetable drawer. She tossed it to him, smirking. “It’s the only thing we have in the fridge right now.”

“Is John out shopping, then?”

“Yeah. Which you would know already if you actually listened when John and I are talking.”

“I do listen.”

“No, you don’t.” Amelia laughed, sitting in her chair. She crossed one leg over the other, “Why did you need your skull anyways?”

Sherlock furrowed his brow, “Quite frankly, I’ve forgotten.”

Amelia chuckled lightly, “Some days, I’m not sure why I like you as much as I do.”

Sherlock rolled his eyes in response.


“Tradition, John.” said Mycroft, pouring himself a drink from an ornate crystal decanter, “Our traditions define us.”

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